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iGPU to GPU Geforce GTX1650; tdarr in VM?

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Hi all,


Let's first start with the current setup.



A few years ago I started with the following setup (throughout the years I expanded with the HDD while I started with only 2*4tb 🤥)

Recently, I talked to a friend of mine who informed me about tdarr. I was able to transcode a bunch of files and like this docker!

Yet, it will take months (year?) to do all my media and was able to get the ASUS PH-GTX1650-O4GD6, 4 GB for a fair price and although I read about the SUPER version, I assume this version will do as well.


I think it's a shame to only use the GTX1650 for the tdarr docker!

While almost falling asleep I thought, wouldn't it be possible to use the igpu as it is now, and use the GTX1650 for a VM (OS X) where I will run a tdarr node?


So unraid tdarr docker server in combination with a VM tdarr node?


If so that would be awesome!


What would be the steps to "install" the GTX1650?


Moreover, I'd like to use the VM to do some basic photo editing (lightroom) and some basic calculations (run R/Matlab/SAS scripts). It doesn't have to be fast is the light but without waiting ages to load a filter in lightroom etc.


Would the current setup be sufficient or would you advice to get another CPU (or MOBO?) with integrated GPU (as I think it always nice to have some graphical power for other purposes in the future (or if I download a movie which I want to have it transcoded straight away in plex))


In the near future I will upgrade my SSD while I have to use the mover too much and probably get 2*16gb internal memory.






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But then I won't be able to use the GPU in the VM. Read that starting VM when docker used the GPU of other way around causes serious errors. So my plan was to put the node inside of the VM and start the VM when needed. Or scheduled to do transcoding once a week for a day or so

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