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Rsync weirdness

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This is a bit off-topic but I thought you guys might be able to help:


I am running an rsync from one unraid server to another.  I have ran this command numerous times and each time it copies the same files over and over.  For some reason it isn't registering the file as being the same.  Any ideas why that might be?  I have ran them one after the other and seen the files on the destination server.  It is not all the file just a subset of those files.  The command for reference is:


rsync -e ssh -avz /mnt/user/Movies/ root@storage2:/mnt/user/Movies






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Try without the -e ssh. It's been known to cause issues. Not necessarily as a solution, but for troubleshooting.


Are these going over a WAN? If not I'd get rid of both -e and z. Really, for movies, z isn't going to buy you much anyway at the expense of lots of crunching.

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Adding more "v"s to the command line increases verbosity at your end. Probably won't be very useful as the sender.


Look on the other system, in syslog or whatever log file is specified in your rsyncd.conf file. See any errors?


I've seen behavior like you describe when the remote end didn't have adequate permissions to do everything correctly. Might be an ownership thing. Again, your rsyncd.conf is important. You might try -c to force checksum compares instead of mod dates & sizes. Takes longer & more horsepower but may behave differently. Use -n so you just get a report of what would have happened instead of burning bandwidth.


Good luck.

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I think that is it! I looked at the file I used the -n option to not copy and the files are identical the only problem is their modified date!  I guess my problem is that I am copying to two unraid servers.  Now the question is how do I fix it :)




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One file I just checked actually was different size.  My buddy who helped me concoct this command was told that I didn't want to sync them up in that delete files which aren't there so maybe since the older file exists it won't overwrite it on the source server?  I just don't know rsync well enough?

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