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Remount or recreate assist

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I was testing some 2TB and 3TB non-array disks in the same enclosure as my array disks. Docker and VMs were already disabled prior to testing. One of the non-array test disks started vibrating wildly and kicking udma crc errors left and right. Then, some array disks started building crc errors and one of them became disabled. I stopped all of my processes (badblocks on 5 disks) and tried to powerdown gracefully with the powerdown command. The system hung and could not be ping-ed. I waited 15 minutes and manually powered off everything.

I removed the offending drive and promptly put two .22 caliber bullet holes into it for a quick, easy, and satisfying wipe before putting it in the trash.

Now the server is restarted, and I'm testing the non-array disks again. The array came up with one disabled/emulated disk. I started it leaving the configuration alone as it said it would do a read test of all the other disks. I figured that would be a good thing and it continued gracefully with no weird format prompts. 


Is it possible to get this disabled disk back in the array, or do I have to rebuild it onto itself?

Do I have to stop the array to run an XFS filesystem check on the disabled disk? It won't mount read only because I assume the emulated disk is using its uuid.

If I were successful at getting it back into the array (possibly using new config), would I need to rebuild/recheck the parity?

Ideally, I would like to get this disk mounted somehow, copy it's contents to another disk, and then put it in the array letting the parity rebuild it. Someone helped me before with an XFS command that generated a new UUID (I found my previous post), But I know if I do that, I probably can't bring it back into the array.


All the data is backed up...to B2. The disks I'm testing are for my onsite backup pool which I had to destroy the data to retest them. I got some larger disks and freed up slots in the server (12 total) So I could move my backup disks from esata/usb3 enclosures and put them into the main server box.


Diagnostics attached for posterity. If y'all have any better paths than what I've thought of, I'm open to suggestions.


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