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Very irregular download speed???

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Hi everyone!


First sorry for my bad english 🤔


Since the installation of unraid on my config which had xpenology before (same hardware) I have big trouble with my download speed... The dowload with sabnzbd or jdownload constantly varies between the max speed of my internet connection and zero value. .. I don't understand why because with xpenology it was downloading all the time.  I noticed that my cpu usage also varied....


I have no ssd cache but even with I have that the same problem...


You have an idea?


Thank you in advance! 😉


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Which share does it download to?  Because of anonymization, it's guess what share it may be using, BUT you do have the appdata share set to use cache: NO which if the downloads are going to that share is going to slow the internet down (if you can exceed say 60MB/s from your ISP)


Usual place for appdata is on a cache pool

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Thank you for your reply. 😉

Everything is on disk share. I don't have disk cache. I actually had one but I already had this problem... so I removed it from the array. I can put the disk cache back but how should I configure the dockers (sabnzbd, jdowloader...) to use the cache correctly?


thank you in advance.


Edit : I will try to do this 😉 :


Edited by calagan57
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