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Docker Service failed to start

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I was working on setting up a docker network. I messed up when I attempted to create the network without docker service running. In my confusion I promptly checked to see what the error was on good old google. I found a command to make sure the daemon was running, "sudo dockerd" so I ran that, and was able to create my new network. I proceeded to go back to settings and turn docker on (which should have been my first red flag I had made a mistake), when I did so, I clicked on the docker tab within unRaid, and was greated with a lovely "Docker Service failed to start" message. I have since ran "docker container ls" from cli and there are no containers running. 

Did I just ruin my docker containers? Is there anyway to recover them? Is there any way to get new docker containers installed now that it seems docker is locked up? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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