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Should I turn off Parity whilst populating the UnRaid

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Now my Unraid is fully working I'm trying a bit of housekeeping, moving files around and grouping to more logical locations etc.


This is taking a loooooong time.  I'm wondering whether it would be better to turn off parity to speed up the transfer of these files.


Moving 307gb from Disk9 to Disk1 has so far taken 10 hours and is only around 60% through.  I understand I'm not parity covered if I do this, but is there any strategy I can use to bering data into the array unprotected and the rebuild the entire parity afterwards?









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I don't know of a way to turn off the normal parity process and allow data to be written un-protected.  Tom may be able to chime in here if it's possible.  If you're using a windows machine to move the files around that will slow the process big time.  You should log into the UnRaid via Telnet and run the move command right on the box, it's way faster that way.  The command below would move all files and folders from disk9 to disk1 and would maintain the folder structure.


mv /mnt/disk9/* mnt/disk1



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You should log into the UnRaid via Telnet and run the move command right on the box
That'll be a big help, thanks.


I have done this 1st drive by Windows but from now on I'll Telnet.  I thought I'd be fine as I was off out to work.  I figured it would be done by the time I got home again.. I was wrong :)



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