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Slackware boots, but nothing else

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I had an issue today that one of my docker images wouldn't work suddenly no matter what I did, so eventually, I decided to reboot.


However, unRaid will not come back up.  Linux/Slackware boots and I can ping it as well as SSH into it.  I can tell from looking in /boot that it's booting from the unRaid flash drive.  But there is no web interface for unRaid or anything else, so none of my docker containers are running either.  There is also nothing under /mnt, so while Linux/Slackware boots, nothing else will.


Any ideas?

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I assume this can’t be fixed.


Can I just reinstall onto the same flash drive?  I’m assuming I can.  I know I can’t go back to prior flash drives, but this one is still the current one.


Also, when I do this, will I get the array back in working order?  Or will I lose the entire 8TB as it rebuilds?

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Looks as though the Go script isn't running, but why I have no idea.  I'd love to have some foreknowledge before I just restart everything from scratch.  It's been offline for 10 days now, and I'm hesitant to do anything with it until I know what to expect as I don't want to lose all 8 TB if I try to correct this the wrong way.  Can anyone shed some light on this, please?


Thanks in advance

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