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Buffering issues on Plex Media Server Unraid docker

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UnRaid Version 6.9.2 2021-04-07

Docker : Plex-Media-Server

Server Version#:
Player Version#: 4.76.1


Hey all,


Since a long time, I am having issues with Plex media server in an Unraid docker and buffering issues. This happens on my Raspberry Pi 4, which is wired with UTP (and wireless) and on a PS3, which is also wired. The connection from the Unraid machine is straight into my Unifi UDM PRO SE with Cat 5e wiring and is then straight onto the PS3 and Raspberry Pi (total length per cable is around 1 meter at most), so I am sure that is not the issue. (1 cable from my UnRaid server to the UDM Pro SE).


So far, I have tried trouble shooting using this article : Why is my video stream buffering? | Plex Support and turned on verbose logging, as suggested, but in none of the 6 logs, there is a mentioning of the speed of transcoding. I do see a lot of other things going on, which seems weird, as those movies/… have been on the unraid for a long time (and in Plex too).


I have also checked if my CPU were to blame (What kind of CPU do I need for my Server? | Plex Support), but since I have an i7-4930K CPU @ 3.40GHz, that should be more than fast enough for what I am using it for (only one stream for 99,9% of the occasions). My Mobo is Gigabyte Ltd. X79-UP4 and have 32 GB of Ram installed, as well as a dedicated GPU - GeForce GTX 1060 3GB.


Movies I am having trouble with is ‘all’ of them, but every 5-10 minutes it is noticeable, then usually it stutters a few times for a few seconds and then plays for another 5-10 minutes.
For example Pacific Rim, 191kbps wth 23.98 frames/sec, 1080p, 3.64 GB (so not even that big). It also stutters with Better Nate than ever (1080p, 4,71 GB), Transformers the last knight (1080p, 7.09 GB). None of the streams are 4K, so I have no idea why anything would stutter, buffer or whatever. I think I didn’t mess with any of the standard PLEX settings and I have 7 libraries in use, should that be of any concern.


I hope someone can help me. Let me know if you need specific logs, so I can upload them.


Thank you in advance,

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Hey Squid, thanks a lot for your reply. My drives are actually set to spin down indeed. I will disable the feature for now and see if that helps... I did have the same issue with my old NAS (hence the reason to change over to Unraid, but in the meantime, I even changed my entire setup for Internet (from ASUS AC5300 to UDM Pro SE with all unifi AP's, changed from Popcorn Hour C200/300's to Raspberry Pi and PS, switched location of the UDM Pro, went from YAMJ to Plex,...) So I really have no clue why I am still having the buffering issues after all those changes.

We live pretty 'remote', so there is no interference from other networks as far as I'm aware...


All drives have to be spun up, or only the ones with movies on them? What about the Parity drives?

Edited by DrBobke
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