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Automatic Download

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Hey gang, I am not sure if this should be in the presales area or here, as I am not yet a customer (running a trial).


So, I have a remote server that has my plex content, that I now want to have on my unraid box.  Is there a plugin or something that can monitor the remote directory, and have it auto-download any new content?


Hope that makes sense.

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Hey gang, I am not sure if this should be in the presales area or here, as I am not yet a customer (running a trial).
So, I have a remote server that has my plex content, that I now want to have on my unraid box.  Is there a plugin or something that can monitor the remote directory, and have it auto-download any new content?
Hope that makes sense.
You can use syncthing or resillio sync that's how I get stuff on my seedbox over to my unraid automatically.

You can run as a docker and they can be set to monitor for changes.

I use it to backup my photos from my phone to my unraid server as well.

Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk

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  • 3 weeks later...
Thanks @klipp01.  Which one is the easiest to setup for a relative n00b.  I am doing the same thing, trying to et content from a SB to my unraid.  
Does either of those apps do it automatically?  i.e  when a new file is added, it is autodownloaded?
Yes both do it automatically when a file is added. Sometimes if the app stops running in the background on your smart phone you may need to relaunch it.

I liked syncthing there is a video spaceinvaderone has that shows how to set it up. I started using it for transfers from my seedbox to my unraid server. Then I started using it to backup certain folders on my smartphone.

I stopped using it because I think my ISP was throttling downloads to my unraid when I used syncthing. Transfers were slowing to a crawl and I couldn't get it resolved.

So I moved to resillio-sync and so far haven't had slow transfer issues. It was pretty easy to setup. There is a pro version but I'm using the free version.

Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk

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