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Cache Pool is breaking randomly - ReadOnly Filesystem

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I'm using Unraid since more than one year now.

I've never had issue with the Cache, but in the last weeks the CachePool is making lot of problems. I can't rely anymore on my system ... :/


After 2-3 days, the Cache becomes ReadOnly and I can't do anything anymore and most of my Docker Containers are not usable anymore.


So I thought that it's maybe the "old" SSDs I were using, so I replaced the whole Cache Pool with 2 brand new SSD (256GB).

This morning I wanted to check some stuff on my nextcloud, but the Cache Pool is broken again --> ReadOnly Filesystem.


Last time a reboot helped but it seems to not be the case today.

I've also tried that with different numbers, but it's always returning "ReadOnly Filesystem"

btrfs balance start -dusage=1 /mnt/cache/

After the replacement of the SSD Cache Disks I've added the above command with `dusage = 80` as a user script that runs every 15 minutes.


Do you have an idea how I could fix it without loosing the data on the cache drive? I can for sure copy it to my unassigned disk and reformat and so on, but I'm scared I will end up in the same situation again in 3-4 days.


It's my first issue report, so I hope the diagnostics are as expected by the community.

Unraid 6.9.2






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Mmh my UnRaid server is without a DIsplay sitting in the cellar :D

Do I have any other way / solution to go further?



I've taken the server to my desk, however it seems I'm running it in UEFI Mode, I was not able to change that in the BIOS. So whenever I hit the memtest, it's saying:

Loading /memtest ... ok


But then nothing will come up even after 2-3 Min waiting.

Edited by JoJ123
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I read only a lot of issues with BTRFS, I think the best would be to give up the cache pool and use a single Cache Disk with XFS.

I'm just scared of my MariaDB and PostreSQL Database Data. What do you think about storing the database data on the HDD array?

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