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  1. No, when the system doesn't have anymore RAM to allocate to a process it invokes OOM and the reaper goes and tries to find the process it thinks is running away and kills it to save the system from crashing
  2. FCP will continue to warn you until you reboot the server and the log is cleared - if it sees OOM in the log, it sends an alert
  3. I don't use it, but see if there's a upnp setting in there and disable it if your network isn't using it. Google is your friend there
  4. MakeMKV was doing something at the time, so makes sense. Yesterday, it ran OOM yesterday too at 22:17 but never finished logging what it killed.
  5. It ran OOM at 07:15 and whatever is trying to open port 51820 is failing. Python was doing something at the time which ran the host OOM Edited to add, MakeMKV was doing something too which tipped it over
  6. When the host ran OOM, it killed your VM because it was the largest consumer at the time. If your VM is set up properly and leaving enough RAM for the rest of the system, I'd say it was probably immich that ran it OOM. Reboot the system to clear the log, if it happens again in the future, limit the RAM available to the container
  7. CRCs are always connection related, so I'd try replacing the cables again, making sure not to tie them all in a bundle. How hot is the PCIe card getting?
  8. Good to hear Does this mean we can expect security enhancements to make this less of a home-centric OS?
  9. Strong possibility
  10. If the plex scheduled maintenance was scheduled around the same time, that may be a clue, too - the media scanner can run away if it chokes on a file and run the host OOM
  11. Qbittorrent is using quite a bit of RAM, but nothing else is jumping out at me. Reboot to clear the log, and if it happens again start by checking the config for it to make sure it's not storing files in RAM. The next step would be limiting RAM available to the containers.
  12. You have a lot going on in there, and it's killing different things each time it runs OOM, sonar, qbittorent, python3 - might have something to do with your tdarr instance, but can't be sure with those logs save the output of ps auxf > ps.txt and have a look at what container is spawning what - if you scrub any usernames and passwords from that file, you can post it here
  13. When a sector can't be written to for whatever reason, it's marked as pending, if it fails again on the next attempt then it will reallocate it to one of the spares. It has nothing to do with the slot, unless you were shaking the drive while in the slot while it was being written to... The drive is bad, but it's your data so go nuts. Keep good backups, because if you need that drive to restore another one, cross your fingers, if another sector goes bad your parity is lost.
  14. Reallocated sectors are internal drive errors, changing slots wouldn't matter. if you use that drive in the array, prepare for hurt feelings. WD drives are really good at telling you when they should be replaced - listen to them.
  15. Have you tried the sleep plugin? In conjunction with your board's RTC wake it should work for you. But, you should note that turning stuff on and off a lot could actually do more harm to your components than just leaving it running.
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