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How to mount an unRAID NFS share in Windows

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I'm passing this info along to hopefully save someone else the hours of googling it took me to figure this out. NFS support in Windows is very poorly documented. First of all, you need Windows 7 Ultimate for this to work. Lesser versions of Windows 7 don't include NFS support.


My main roadblock was that every share I mapped resulted in "Access denied" errors. It turns out you need an obscure registry hack to allow Windows to authenticate properly. Here's what you need to do.


1. In Control Panel, open Programs and Features.

2. Click "Turn Windows features on or off."

3. Enable "Services for NFS" and click OK. Wait for it to install.

4. Start the registry editor.

5. Locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ClientForNFS\CurrentVersion\Default.

6. Create two DWORD values: AnonymousUid and AnonymousGid. They both need to be set to the number zero (0).

7. Reboot.

8. Activate NFS in unRAID 5 (Settings tab) and on the Main tab click the shares you want to export. Set "Export" to Yes. I used Public security. I had to reboot my unRAID server for NFS shares to work after enabling NFS support the first time.

8. In Windows 7, map your drives with the "Map network drive" feature by using this format for the path: tower:/mnt/user/Video


You can also do this from the command line:


mount tower:/mnt/user/Video z:


Note that for NFS shares you have to provide the full unRAID folder path, not just the final shared folder.


Alas, after doing all this work I found out that my NFS transfers in Windows topped out at about 30 MB/sec. I get up to 120 MB/sec in Samba. Oh well.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I'm having issues setting up NFS. I've enabled it in the unraid webui, selected my cache-drive to be shared (export: yes - security: public). Restarted the server.


However I cannot access it from my computers, When trying to mount it in win 7 it gives me "network error 53, network path not found". Also tried to open it from my dune, which doesn't work either.

mount tower:/mnt/cache x:


from my exports: /mnt/cache -async,no_subtree_check,fsid=10 *(rw,insecure,anongid=100,anonuid=99,all_squash)


I'm totally new to using NFS, and I really just want it to work for this folder, nothing fancy, don't care about permissions or anything as long as I can read from the cache dir. Can someone please point me in the right direction? I've really tried to find a solution in the forums but no luck so far.


I'm using 5.12b and smb is working without any issues, reason for wanting NFS at all is that the dune hd smart d1 cannot open two SMB-connections at once, and I would like to keep both my media and my yaDIS library on the server (library preferably on the cache-drive for minimizing spin-ups and small file writes to the array)


EDIT: After replacing "mount tower" with "mount IP" it works. That's fine with me! So happy that I don't have to waste another second on this problem.  ;)


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Please excuse my ignorance, but what is the difference between a NFS and a Samba share, and why would I want it?  I mostly use Linux, but I do have one PC with Windows 7, and on that PC I simply used the map network drive function for my user shares.  Everything works fine this way, so what am I missing here?

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Please excuse my ignorance, but what is the difference between a NFS and a Samba share, and why would I want it?  I mostly use Linux, but I do have one PC with Windows 7, and on that PC I simply used the map network drive function for my user shares.  Everything works fine this way, so what am I missing here?


In my case it is because of a limitation in the Dune HD Smart - it doesn't support two simultaneously smb connections, so I'm now connecting to the second share (where my yaDIS library is located) using NFS.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 8 years later...
On 12/15/2012 at 7:27 PM, hpad06 said:

I followed above instructions but it is very slow.


so this is what I did,


1. change in nfs client (windows 7) to UDP, this makes browsing folder very fast

2. mount again


mount  \\tower\mnt\user\Video r:


this works very well for me.

 how can you change nfs client to UDP?

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