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SOLVED Login to multiple windows VMs with one windows user account

Go to solution Solved by JonathanM,

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Hi All,


Still very new to Unraid but loving it so far and have spent a lot of time here on the forums reading up.


It's possible i have been searching for the wrong thing or what I'm wanting to do isn't possible.


I have four windows 10 VMS setup on a threadripper system with 4x nvidia video cards. each Vm has 6 cores and a GPU passed through to it. - working


My goal is to have it setup so i can create a new user(windows user) then be able to login with that user to any of the 4 VMs instead of having to create that user on each VM separately. its very likely ill be needing to create more and more users. more than happy to create each user and go through the setup for it but really don't wish to do it 4 times per user.


the storage setup is 2x1tb ssd 1 for storage and 1 for parity. all 4 vms will run off this.


I hope i have explained my goal well, any questions please let me know!


Thanks everyone.

Edited by Zass
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  • Zass changed the title to Login to multiple windows VMs with one windows user account
6 hours ago, Zass said:

I hope i have explained my goal well, any questions please let me know!

maybe you explained it well, but I don't understand :D


You want a windows user called 'UserX' able to login in each of the 4 vms?

Then, you need to create UserX in each vm...A virtual machine is like a computer, so each os needs a user, at least.

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Currently i have created 1 user account on each VM to gain access, this was during setup of each VM. my goal would be to create new users that can login to all 4 VMs without having to create the same user account on each VM.


E.g. Create user named 'User1' user 1 can then use Vm1,Vm2,Vm3 and Vm4 and use User1 login credentials to login to windows.


Instead of Creating user named 'User1' individually on each Vm1 & VM2 & VM3 & VM4. user 1 can then use Vm1,Vm2,Vm3 and Vm4


Hope this explains it more :)

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great thank you. yeah i thought so, just wasn't sure on the exact wording for it. would it be an option to create a 5th VM to act as a domain controller? if so is there a possible guide or link hat might get me gong on this? or is there another option that may give the same or similar result?


Thanks for the help.



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  • Zass changed the title to SOLVED Login to multiple windows VMs with one windows user account
  • 2 weeks later...

Just as a follow up for anyone else in the future. i followed @JonathanM advice and ended up creating a 5th VM with windows server 2019 OS. this was created for the sole purpose of acting as a domain controller. i then added each of my 4 VM's to the domain which now allows me to login to each VM with any account that has been created in the domain controller. still a newbie at this stuff, knowing what the correct wording was has helped with my googling adventures.

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