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R720XD NICs Not Detected After Installing New HDDs

Go to solution Solved by sponitz,

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Hello, all! Today, I installed some new hard drives into my R720XD which is running my UnRaid Server. However, now my NICs aren't getting detected. I went into the BIOS and made sure that they were all configured and detecting, which they were. I am seriously stumped. Nothing else was changed to my knowledge. I did recently upgrade to the latest firmware from 6.9.2, but today the server was running completely fine until I installed some new drives.


I am able to go into the GUI on the server and initialize the drives and do all my normal functions, however, my 4 NICs, that I use 2 of are not getting detected. I disabled my 802.1D bonding. Put everything back to "default."

I would send a diag file but I am unsure how to download it if I cannot access the device via another computer. Hoping someone can help me get this back up and running.


Thank you in advance. :)

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3 hours ago, sponitz said:

Update, I disabled Virtualization Technology in the BIOS which is needed ya know for VMs and all four NICs were detected.


Seems like a bug?

Sounds like you have are encountering the issues described in the 6.10.2 release notes which can result in the NIC being (temporarily) blacklisted due to potential data corruption issue.   If you need VMs and your system is not one that is affected by the data corruption issue you can take the steps laid out there to enable virtualisation support.

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Thanks again! You always seem to find a solution. Which firmware would be safe to downgrade to? 

21 hours ago, itimpi said:

Sounds like you have are encountering the issues described in the 6.10.2 release notes which can result in the NIC being (temporarily) blacklisted due to potential data corruption issue.   If you need VMs and your system is not one that is affected by the data corruption issue you can take the steps laid out there to enable virtualisation support.


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1 hour ago, sponitz said:

Thanks again! You always seem to find a solution. Which firmware would be safe to downgrade to? 


I am not sure which of the steps identify in the 6.10.2 release notes to work around the NIC being blacklisted you have tried to actually determine if you really need to downgrade.  You mentioned disabling virtualisation completely in your BIOS so far but there are other options detailed there.


If you need to downgrade then the release to downgrade to is probably the 6.9.2 release.   If you can get diagnostics then posting those will allow you to get informed feedback as to whether (and how) you could get the 6.10.2 release working reliably on your hardware.


Failing that you should probably wait for a future 6.10.x release where the root cause for the issues described in the 6.10.2 release has been firmly identified and a fix developed.

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I would attach my diag file but it's taking about an hour to download for some reason.

10 hours ago, itimpi said:

I am not sure which of the steps identify in the 6.10.2 release notes to work around the NIC being blacklisted you have tried to actually determine if you really need to downgrade.  You mentioned disabling virtualisation completely in your BIOS so far but there are other options detailed there.


If you need to downgrade then the release to downgrade to is probably the 6.9.2 release.   If you can get diagnostics then posting those will allow you to get informed feedback as to whether (and how) you could get the 6.10.2 release working reliably on your hardware.


Failing that you should probably wait for a future 6.10.x release where the root cause for the issues described in the 6.10.2 release has been firmly identified and a fix developed.

While you guys are looking can you tell me why my Docker won't start now? 


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