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Boot From PCIE

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Hi Guys,


I want to passthrough my USB 2.0/3.0 controller to see if I can trick ASUS Aura into thinking it's working natively by passing the USB controller it's on through to my main VM. All the other USB controllers are passed through to VMs. I tried booting from a PCIE USB3.0 card but got a sda1 can't mount error. I assume this is because Unraid doesn't like USB3?.

Will Unraid boot from THIS PCIE USB 2.0 card?



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3 hours ago, MAM59 said:

no need for such a stress


AURA shows up like an own device, just click it on in the VM settings to pass it.


Have you done this successfully? I've tried passing through the ASUStek usb devices but the Aura software doesn't work?
































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3 minutes ago, PeteyBoPetey said:

Have you done this successfully? I've tried passing through the ASUStek usb devices but the Aura software doesn't work?

yes and no.

The passing works flawlessly, the AURA software not (its crap!). This is because AURA is a mixup and depends on more than just this USB Device.

If you just want access to the LEDs, install OpenRGB Software, either on unraid as a docker or inside a VM as the windows version.

I dont like dockers (and it turned out to be unstable too), so I pass the device to a windows VM with OpenRGB. OpenRGB is a network service, so you can manage it from anywhere. I use a small python script on UNRAID to read current temps and system load and transform them into colors / LED bars passing them to the OpenRGB server.

This works great and stable for months now.


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