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Automatic time planned shutdown

Go to solution Solved by Nodiaque,

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Hi im thinking about using unRAID but I am not sure enough if this is the right thing for me. I have the problem, energy is really expensive and I'm not sure if it's is possible that the server shutdown over the night and comes back online in the morning with everything starting up (nextcloud). I'm also curious about destroying any data or the hole os or something else. May someone help me find a solution for my little problems or it is not possible to do the things I described bevore and I need another os witch can do those things.

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There is a way to achieve what you want.


For the autoshutdown, you could use the CA Plugin "user script". In that script, you put the shutdown command (I think it's shutdown now) and on the schedule, you put whatever the schedule you want (can be daily at x hour).


For the autostart, you need to go in your bios. Mostly all bios have wake capability. Some can be woken up when there's network activity, power, etc. What you want is a clock wake (the name vary on each bios) and in there, you put when you want your computer to be startup by the bios


For the remaning of everything that startup automatically, that's how unraid work (unless you configure otherwise).

Edited by Nodiaque
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28 minutes ago, Jaluklol said:

And the problem with deleting anything may it causes any issues by shutting it down on that way? Or am I just afraid of doing something wrong 😃

Not quite sure what you are asking?   Issuing the shutdown command from a User Script should be equivalent to pressing the Shutdown button on the Main tab so as long as the button works OK for you, then the script should as well.


This is exactly the technique I use on my own server and I do not have any problems.

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5 hours ago, Jaluklol said:

And the problem with deleting anything may it causes any issues by shutting it down on that way? Or am I just afraid of doing something wrong 😃

What do you mean by "problem with deleting anything". You mean if you are currently deleting something and you call a shutdown? A shutdown will halt whatever is going on. so if you are copying or deleting stuff, the process will stop whatever where it is currently.

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7 hours ago, Jaluklol said:

I mean like deleting any data in nextcloud while shutting it down

Allow me to make some suggestions at this point. 


What would happen if you shutdown the server using the GUI Shutdown button on the Main tab?  This what happens when you call the shutdown script.  (In fact, that is what the the Shutdown button does is to call that script!)


Second, if you have a question about what can happen with Nextcloud, you should ask that question in the support thread for the version that you are using. 


Third, why are you even considering shutting your server down when it might be doing some required function?  Either bite the bullet and pay the cost of running your server, or schedule everything so that you are shutting down the server when it will be totally idle. 



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  • 2 weeks later...
7 minutes ago, Jaluklol said:

so i installed unraid and started the free trail iam using ver.6.10.3 and i cant figur out how the f the shutdown command works

like i tried everything and its not shuting down,

but the shut down button works.


Strange - the Shutdown button just invokes the shutdown command as far as I know.   It might be worth enabling the syslog server to see if you can get some logs that survive a reboot.


it might be worth looking through this section of the online documentations accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI to see if any of it applies to your system.



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