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cpu stock at 100% - loosing network while copying datas

Go to solution Solved by itimpi,

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Hi all,

Trying to move my datas off one of my unraid servers since i got problems with it (raid controller, cpu stuck at 100%, parity, etc)...
Just hope to be able to move 'quickly' my 21TG of datas (moving with robocopy since i'm dumping the datas to an external drive) !

This diagnostic was when the CPU was stuck at 100% while copying datas of the array during the night... At taht paste, it will take 3 months to move the datas... if ever i can. I've included my last diagnostic, hope someone could pinpoint the problem (also if you can tell me wich file to look at, so i can also troubleshoot the problem - could be great).

My problems started 3 weeks ago, i hardly sleep since i'm looking at the server during the night (moving datas)... Hope one day i'll be able to smash that server without loosing any datas!

Thank for your help.


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Thx for the reply!

Quick update : still no new CPU 100% usage since yesterday. I think i found the problem : it may be the multitreads flag that was too high for the nas cpu when using robocopy (MT:x flag). i've set it up to the number of CPU and seems to work fine, for now.


Another quick question if i may ask... The initial parity process seems to start all over again when rebooting (18hrs paritying the drives, goes to 100% with no errors - reboot - the parity start automaticly all over again). Any reasons why? The only way i found to 'bypass' the parity is to reboot again. After that, the parity says 'Parity is valid'.

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4 minutes ago, fakokay said:

Another quick question if i may ask... The initial parity process seems to start all over again when rebooting

This is standard Unraid behaviour.


if you want the ability to resume parity checks from the point they had reached then install the Parity Check Tuning plugin and enable this option in its settings.

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15 minutes ago, fakokay said:

i was under the impression that since the parity was done and successful

I thought from you statement that it had not yet completed.   As was mentioned then an automatic parity check after a rebooot suggest that you did not have a clean shutdown of the array.    The plugin would have informed you if it thought that an unclean shutdown had been detected and that was triggering an automatic check.

You might want to read this section of the online documentations accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI.

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