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copying files from my old windows 10 pro based server to unraid with ntfs drives

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hi all

im a total newb to unraid im trying to move from a windows based (win 10 pro) based server with all ntfs drives so i need to move the data from those drives to the new unraid server and as i move the data off the old server ill add each drive to the unraid server anyway copying all my movies (9 ish tb ) and i have tons of tiny jpg tbn etc files along with the move files and its taking way to long via 1gb nic so my hope is i can connect each drive 1 at a time to my external usb hotswap bay and mount them in unraid except beyond the unassined drives option i have no clue how to acess them inside the krusador docker is their a easyer way or what am i missing here

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If you are using an Unraid 6.10.x release then the easiest thing to do is to install the Dynamix File Manager and use that instead of Krusader as it can be run from the Unraid GUI.


All Unraid releases also have the Midnight Commander (‘mc’ command) that provides a simple file manager you can run from the Unraid command line.

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 i did get krusador to work ( kinda ) ( when i goto move the files ) and thats what i want to do for my own sanity )(and i like how it works ) but whe i goto do that and it moves the

files it acts as if it doesnt have root permiss ions ? bc it gives a move error can not delete file  so if thats the case how do i get it into root mode with out reinstalling it as i dont see it in the options and i tried to goto root mode under tools i used my root pw for unraid it just says its incorrect so im really @ a loss










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14 hours ago, JonathanM said:

If you are erasing the drives after you copy, why bother deleting? It's a good idea to verify the copy after it's done anyway, and you can't do that if you delete the source.

its a ocd thing lol and i have a 2nd copy exact copy in my synology

Edited by chrismitt2002
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