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Unraid ghost cache file

Go to solution Solved by trurl,

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So I have a media share that's set to not use the cache but Unraid is saying there is something in one of my media folders still on cache (a folder labelled cloud used for the nextcloud docker container).

So here's the weird thing; on the parent folder it says something is on the cache but when I look into all the subfolders/files, none of them are said to be on the cache.

I even deleted and moved the folder back and it still says there's something there stuck on cache. I've attached screenshots of how it's shown to me. Ran the mover too (while temporarily setting that folder to move from cache to array) just in case but that didn't help.




Edited by Jazmac
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Thanks, your mention of files in active use made me realise that I stupidly hadn't tried stopping nextcloud from actively using the folder first before invoking the mover. It's now corrected and no longer says a file is on cache. Appreciate the help.




Edited by Jazmac
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