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61 Mill Parity Errors, No Drive Errors

Go to solution Solved by JonathanM,

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Sort of title, after my server ran a scheduled parity check it reported back over 61 million errors. This was a non-corrective check, I ran another one to be sure and same report 61+. But the drives themselves are showing zero errors and the parity is reported as valid.

The thing is these are the first parity checks after installing a new drive, I did the 'unraid swap' and replaced a bad 8TB drive with a 12TB one (All drives in the array were 8TB at this point), and added a second 12TB drive. So my parity moved to the new higher TB drive and the other was added to the array. Rebuilt parity over like...two days almost. And then I'm like 90% sure I ran a parity check after just to make sure it was all cool, which it was and has been fine since.


So my suspicion, because 61 million is a lot, these errors are related to a 'missing' drive? I'm not sure, I'm nervous to run a corrective check because idk what that'll do. Despite the error's it's still reporting the parity as valid. All drives have clean bills of health from SMART tests, and again show zero errors on them.


I tried searching around but couldn't find a similar issue and I can't find a way to actually read the parity report.

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19 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Do you mean a parity swap? It's a known issue, sometimes the extra space of the new parity is not correctly zeroed.

Yeah, that was the exact procedure I followed.

Is there something I should do or should I just expect the errors from now on?

Edited by XanXic
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So I ran a corrective parity check, 58 million errors. Then ran another check to see if it solved them and it's still 58 million errors. Parity is still valid but that didn't seem to fix the errors it's seeing.

Edited by XanXic
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Yeah they were both corrective, I was going to post the diags but it had restarted since then. I have it setup to restart once a week in the dead of night. So I ran ANOTHER check lol and this time it found none. So I'd have to guess the corrective check plus a restart fixed the issue.

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