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Wuala start in go script?


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I'm using Wuala as my cloud storage system. It's running perfect on my unRAID servers with one exception - I can't get it to start automatically.


Wuala is installed and running in /mnt/disk1/wuala.


The Wuala start in the go script looks like this:


cd /mnt/disk1/wuala
wualacmd &


The wualacmd does contain the following line (please notice the ! in my password - it needs to be there):


./wuala -basepath /mnt/disk1/wuala -nogui login myaccount mypassword! "$@"


Many thanks in advance.




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disk1 may not yet be mounted when you attempt to invoke it.


Try something like this:


while [ ! -d /mnt/disk1/wuala ]; do sleep 10; done

cd /mnt/disk1/wuala

chmod +x wualacmd

echo wualacmd | at now + 1 minute


The first line will loop until /mnt/disk1 exists.

the third line makes wualacmd execuitable.

The last line is modified to invoke wuala via the "at" command to disassociate it with the "go" script.


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Hi Joe,


thanks for your answer. I added your lines to my go script and after reboot this morning Wuala was not running - as always.


I'm pretty sure it has to do with the way root and home directory are working. Usually this works (dropbox, mySQL, ...) but not for Wuala.


If I issue these two lines on the console it works immediately:


sleep 120

cd /mnt/disk1/wuala
wualacmd &





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The wualacmd script I start in the go script does contain the following:


wuala -basepath /mnt/disk1/wuala -nogui login myaccount mypassword!


So my idea was to drop that wualacmd and start this line shown above from within the go script. This doesn't work neither - I bet it's the "!" in "mypassword!" this time. I love stuff like that.






P.S.: Am I the only one using a secure cloud service like Wuala on unRAID, sharing 100GB on each machine and earning 100GB on cloud space for every machine? I would like to hear how you start Wuala...


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P.S.: Am I the only one using a secure cloud service like Wuala on unRAID, sharing 100GB on each machine and earning 100GB on cloud space for every machine? I would like to hear how you start Wuala...

I thought you could only earn a maximum or 100GB *total*. Is it really only on each machine so you can actually earn more than 100GB for wuala?


I start wuala from a standard RC script as my unraid is installed onto a full Linux system.

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This is from their website FAQ:


How much storage can I trade?


You can trade up to 100 GB per computer.


I do have 5 machines under one account.


I was using Dropbox for nearly a year. Dropboxs installation is easy but its features are limited.


The Wuala concept is more powerful - in my personal opinion it's the best, currently. The backup, sync and share concepts are way more powerful. You need some time but it's brilliant. It's more secure and it offers more storage space if you are willing to share. It's like SETI - this time you share space - not CPU.





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