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qBittorent freezing when moving files to synology

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Hi All!


I'm currently using the latest version of qBittorent and having a couple synology devices connected as well.  I noticed at times my cpu will have a couple cores pinned to 100 for no reason and realized it's qbitt for some reason.  This tends to happen whenever I'm moving files from my array to the synology where I store long term files.  I recently decided to move this storage to my more powerful nas and whenever I try to migrate the files by setting a new location in qBitt the transfer starts off fine but then drops to 1-3MB/s.  I need to restart the docker or my cpu will just stay at 100% on a couple cores.  Any idea why this happens?  A couple people on reddit asked me if I found a solution to this but surprised I dont see it mentioned more often.  Thanks for your help!!

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