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Share of shares or virtual directory? (Stupid Question Time)

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Please forgive my ignorance, I'm still a newbie, and I did a quick search (links, aliases, virtual directory, etc) but I'm probably not looking for the right thing, and not even sure if it's possible or a good idea.


When I setup my shares, I created shares for TV, Movies, Kids Shows, etc.  I did this initially to direct different types of media to different disks.

Now I'm looking for a way to share these as a single "Media" SMB share, which would point to the three shares above, so that I can use Tdarr on an old Macbook Pro to help with some h265 encoding.  Is this possible (without using a root share or exposing all of /mnt/user/), and if so, how?


Thanks, and appreciate any resources you can point me to!

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Thanks, I was looking to avoid moving all of the data.  I figured it out though... created a new top level share called Media (kept my other shares) and created some symlinks to my other shares within that directory.


cd /mnt/user/Media

ln -s /mnt/user/Movies/ Movies

ln -s /mnt/user/TV\ Shows/ TV\ Shows

ln -s /mnt/user/Kids\ Shows/ Kids\ Shows


now when I export my Media share and access it from my Mac I see the Media share with 3 sub-directories (Movies, TV Shows, Kids Shows).

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5 minutes ago, NachoServer said:

Thanks, I was looking to avoid moving all of the data.

Why? It's a simple rename, takes seconds. For instance, if the TV share was on disk1, then to move the files the path would be renamed from /mnt/disk1/TV/shows/seasons to /mnt/disk1/Media/TV/shows/seasons. Like JorgeB said, shares are just root folders on the /mnt/diskX and /mnt/poolname paths.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had a similar wish

moving from 




Primarily so I could record radio via the tuner in Plex and play the radio broadcasts back at a convenient time via LMS


I created a new share "media", with the same disks allocated as the two old shares. 

Stopped the dockers using the shares

Then via Krusader used the "F6 move" command, which as mentioned by Jonathon / Jorge above renames rather than moves

(PS tried it out on a couple of sacrificial directories first)

edited & restarted the the dockers and all is well


I couldn't see a way of making the changes to mnt/disk1/etc as above from within a file manager (despite having temporarily enabled disk shares) - but I probably missed something…

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