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Spindown time with more options

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I believe this is easy to implement but not sure if many people would use it.


Sometimes I work on something on my NAS, go to bed, eat breakfest and start working again.

Part of my work is in a drive I use a lot, some are not but I can use it in the middle of the morning and this routine isn't very fixed. 


So, to me a 12h, 16 and 24h inactivity spindown option would be awesome because it would spin down the drives when I'm off for the weekend.

Or if I don't need that content so often.

The 9 hour limit, to me, causes more spin downs and ups than I would like, so I'm leaving my drives 24/7 spinning. 


Can we get those options or a custom menu?

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Do you utilize the Cache Drive for your work at all? If you did its instant on and never turns off. 

I only say this because if I was working on something and I wrote it to the array it would store it instantly on the Cache before writing it to the HDD array. 


Obviously your usage and needs may vary. In the mean time you could just leave your drives up like you said and then when your done click on the main page to shut down your drives. 

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I do have a cache ssd (240gb) but that's for downloading only. 


When I transfer files to the array those surpass 240gb very easily and even a 1TB cache would be filled in a day in some cases. 

So no mover here. 


My workaround is have an unassigned device with a 4TB drive that I work and when it's done move to the array. 

But sometimes I need a file that's on the array and have the spin the drive up, work on unassigned, drive spin down during the nighttime and in the morning, spin up again.


So, just a few more options would help. 

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