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Possible bug/need advice - two disabled data disks (with two working parity)

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I have two DISABLED data disks (with two working parity disks) - I FOUND POSSIBLE BUG & need advice!


First: 14tb disk3 had hardware failure. Ordered Seagate overnight warranty replacement.


After a system reboot, this disk was no longer "installed", but being emulated. (no problem, thx parity!)


Array is kinda full, so also ordered, received and started pre-clearing three new 16tb disks to add to array.


Once I finally received the warranty replacement 14tb disk, I hot-unplugged the failed disk, and plugged in it's replacement on same sata. Now showed up on unassigned disks, ran seagate cmd tools for SMART tests and extended tests - all passed.


Now - pay attention for BUG - This is where I started a preclear for the replacement 14tb (now 4 preclears running simultaneously, with 3 for new 16tbs). It started the Pre-Read, and I was monitoring that for a few hours when I noticed the SERIAL NUMBER of the new pre-clearing 14tb disk was actually another 14tb operational disk4, not the expected serial printed on the HD. This serial number is showing up for both devices.


So out of precaution, I stopped that preclear/pre-read of the 14tb, and paused the other 3 preclears so I can stop the array and reboot. Once the system came back up, all disks now showed the right serial numbers - but now the WORKING 14TB WAS MARKED DISABLED! I assume that's because in the preclear process, it labeled the wrong serial number (or other identifier) assignment, and now disk4 is out of sync.


I have run some tests on that known-good disk4 14tb drive, and it passes all tests. I have been able to start a new preclear on the replacement 14tb disk, and that will be done in a day or two.


Question is: For disk4 (disabled 14tb working disk), can I "Rebuild a drive onto itself" safely? Even though there is an "Not installed" disk3? I have two good parity disks perfectly emulating the data.


I understand the rebuild process - but am checking here if you think I should proceed starting that disk4 rebuild while disk3 is not installed. OR should I WAIT to have two completed preclears, and do both disk3 and disk4 at the same time with full precleared disks?


I have just posted my hardware profile to limetech & submitted a feedback form bug report from my dashboard. I can provide logs or anything else that might be useful.


Edited by WebAddict
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