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Array stops randomly

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My array is stopping seemingly at random, additionally my server sometimes needs to be hard reset in order to access the Web GUI. I have been troubleshooting this issue for a few weeks now and don't experience any issues when the server is up. I've attached my diagnostics report. If anyone has suggestions for what may be causing this issue I'd love to hear them. Thanks!


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1 minute ago, trurl said:

Do you mean the array actually stops as if you had clicked the Stop button in Array Operation? Or do you just mean it quits working in some way?

It’s more akin to it being stopped via the Stop Array operation. I’ve come to find services it handles unavailable at random and when visiting the GUI the array is stopped. Once I start it, all is well. However, some times the server will be physically running but does not respond in any way; SSH, the GUI, or even to ping.

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You don't have the array set to autostart, so you have to start it yourself after boot. That's fine and I like it that way myself.


If you look at syslog in those diagnostics, the server booted after an unclean shutdown

Sep  3 13:39:52 media emhttpd: unclean shutdown detected

but you didn't start the array until many hours later

Sep  4 00:39:36 media emhttpd: Mounting disks...


You cancelled the unclean shutdown parity check. You should definitely complete a parity check after you get things resolved.

Sep  4 00:39:44 media kernel: md: recovery thread: check P ...
Sep  4 00:40:52 media kernel: mdcmd (37): nocheck cancel


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Yeah I definitely will. I noticed a bit of a correlation between finishing a parity check and the server going back down again at the start of this issue but it doesn’t seem that it’s necessarily the cause of my problems. Do you recommend any steps I should take to further investigate the causes of the unclean shutdowns?

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