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Unraid accessible with 2.5GbE AND 1Gb Wifi ?


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Dear community,


My Unraid server is connected to my 1Gb wifi router.

Recently, i bought a 2.5GbE card and an 2.5GbE USB adapter for the computer, in order to make direct connection and have better speed.


I configure the 1Gb wifi with eth0 and the 2.5GbE with eth1.

As expected (i guess...), Fix Common problem is unhappy with the error :


eth0 and eth1 both have IP addresses on the network. This is rarely a valid configuration.


Even if my computer correctly use the 2.5GbE, and others devices on the network the 1Gb Wifi, my VM are now unable to access the Unraid server files but can access the webGUI with no issue.



I know it is not well configure, but i don't know how to do it.


Can you provide me some help ?







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Hello Jorge,


It is in fact what i try to do :

eth0 :, member og br0

eth1 :, member of br1

And my Windows VM use br0 with virtio.


I can access in the VM the webGUI with but Files Explorer is unable to browse shares.


It there any differences bet ween .1 and .10 ?



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