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Disk disabled during parity check

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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so ran filesystem check with the -nv option as the guide says. It has returned lots of errors (i can't see an option to export the log) but the guide mentions "If however issues were found, the display of results will indicate the recommended action to take." I cannot see any recommendations within the log?




Any suggestions on what the best options, to run the tool for real would be?

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Great, thanks Jorge.


Run without -n. It completed without asking for -L and without error. I ran again with -n and looks all good now & no errors.


Drive still disabled though. Done a restart and not come online. Is there anything else to try or is a rebuild next option?



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So, lost+found share calculates 420GB on disk 3. Looking through my media share, there is data missing which is now in lost+found. I have QDirStat and can quite easily see the large files and it won't take too long to restore.


But what is the correct order to to restore / rebuild on disk 3?

Will lost+found be wiped out if I rebuild before restoring the files?

Or should I restore the files while the drive is emulated and rebuild once I've finished with lost+found?


Thanks for your patience with this, I feel maybe just a couple of steps away now 😀




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48 minutes ago, itimpi said:

Either order will work.     The rebuild process simply makes the physical drive have identical contents to the emulated drive.

Thanks for this.


I'll set the rebuild going and at least the array will be protected again before moving the files back.


Thank you both for the help. I'll leave this open while the rebuild completes, then update / mark as solved once finished.

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Disk rebuilt without error. Thank you for the help.



Just for future reference, could I ask about the filesystem check I ran?


Is there a chance that would have brought the disk back online without the rebuild?




Was that step necessary to create the lost+found folder and save the data, before having to rebuild anyway?

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8 minutes ago, cl8uk said:

Is there a chance that would have brought the disk back online without the rebuild?

Nope, they are two separate things, a disabled disk isn't always unmountable and you can have an unmountable disk without it being disabled, but if it's both the filesystem should be fixed first, because there's no point in rebuilding if the filesystem cannot be fixed, especially when doing it on the old disk, it can limit your options.

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23 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Nope, they are two separate things, a disabled disk isn't always unmountable and you can have an unmountable disk without it being disabled, but if it's both the filesystem should be fixed first, because there's no point in rebuilding if the filesystem cannot be fixed, especially when doing it on the old disk, it can limit your options.


Thanks for the explanation. Hopefully it won't happen again but nice to have a bit of info just in case.  


I think we're all done here. Thanks again for the help, these forums are so helpful. Never come across anywhere with so much support before.


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