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(SOLVED) kernel: SQUASHFS error:

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I awoke this morning with my log file full.  It's been quite some time since that has happened. I've made no HW changes nor added any new docker/VMs in a long time either.


In syslog I'm seeing a lot of kernel: SQUASHFS error: errors.  I've never seen these before.  


I've googled some but most of what I'm finding is related to a bad USB flash boot device and they can't boot, which isn't my case.  I haven't tried starting the array yet, I don't want to cause more issues.


Can someone help me or point me where to dig deeper please?



Edited by RichJacot
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I don't have a window machine but with Linux I get:


$ sudo fsck -n -v /dev/sdb1
fsck from util-linux 2.37.2
fsck.fat 4.2 (2021-01-31)
Checking we can access the last sector of the filesystem
Boot sector contents:
System ID "mkfs.fat"
Media byte 0xf8 (hard disk)
       512 bytes per logical sector
     16384 bytes per cluster
        32 reserved sectors
First FAT starts at byte 16384 (sector 32)
         2 FATs, 32 bit entries
   7830016 bytes per FAT (= 15293 sectors)
Root directory start at cluster 2 (arbitrary size)
Data area starts at byte 15676416 (sector 30618)
   1956999 data clusters (32063471616 bytes)
63 sectors/track, 255 heads
         0 hidden sectors
  62654593 sectors total
Checking for unused clusters.
Checking free cluster summary.
/dev/sdb1: 4615 files, 41935/1956999 clusters


I'm not seeing an issue with the above but when I tried to make a copy of the USB before running anything against it I got:


$ ls /dev/disk/by-id/
ata-SanDisk_SD8TB8U256G1001_164821802268        ata-SanDisk_SD8TB8U256G1001_164821802268-part4          wwn-0x5001b448b4841df0-part1
ata-SanDisk_SD8TB8U256G1001_164821802268-part1  usb-Samsung_Flash_Drive_FIT_0378621030003521-0:0        wwn-0x5001b448b4841df0-part2
ata-SanDisk_SD8TB8U256G1001_164821802268-part2  usb-Samsung_Flash_Drive_FIT_0378621030003521-0:0-part1  wwn-0x5001b448b4841df0-part3
ata-SanDisk_SD8TB8U256G1001_164821802268-part3  wwn-0x5001b448b4841df0                                  wwn-0x5001b448b4841df0-part4


$ sudo dd if=/dev/disk/by-id/usb-Samsung_Flash_Drive_FIT_0378621030003521-0:0 status=progress | gzip -c > /home/rjacot/UNRAID_FLASH.img.gz666901504 bytes (667 MB, 636 MiB) copied, 80 s, 8.3 MB/s 
dd: error reading '/dev/disk/by-id/usb-Samsung_Flash_Drive_FIT_0378621030003521-0:0': Input/output error
1302752+0 records in
1302752+0 records out
667009024 bytes (667 MB, 636 MiB) copied, 80.1167 s, 8.3 MB/s
$ ls /dev/disk/by-id/usb*
ls: cannot access '/dev/disk/by-id/usb*': No such file or directory

As you can see the /dev/disk/by-id/usb* is there before I run the command.  It knocks it out when I ran the dd.  :-/



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Makes sense.


I've downloaded the backup from my servers and put it on an old USB I had laying around.  I have it up and running now, array not started yet.  Obviously it's saying:  


Uptime 7 minutes

Unraid OS GUID Error

Purchase Key


I'd like to order a new quality USB (which I though I had but it only lasted 14 months).  What's my best option to get this back online today and use a new one in a couple days?


I see that it appears they let you transfer the lic. once a year.  I really don't want to say on the old one I had laying around. It's of unknown age and quality.


Suggestions for my next steps?

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  • RichJacot changed the title to (SOLVED) kernel: SQUASHFS error:

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