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Cache drive replacement/swap for bigger SSD?


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My cache drive only has 2GB left since I use it to store Roon library on it. Beside that I use it for 4 docker's and thats it, no mover, etc..


What is the right way to migrate everything from existing ssd to a new one? Is there a line code to clone everything?


I have attached diagnostic file from my server, maybe someone can check if there is something else on the cache drive or/if something could be optimised (docker image allocation size)?


Thanks in advance!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I have successfully converted my two new ssd into raid0 btrfs, folowed the step to move appdata onto array and than back to cache pool, but now my dockers are acting up. I only use three of them, deluge, krusader and roon.


Deluge refuses to connect to WebUi, krusader is giving me some vnc error and my roon clients are unable to reach roonserver. What should I do?



Screenshot 2022-10-19 at 10.25.16.png

Screenshot 2022-10-19 at 10.26.04.png

Screenshot 2022-10-19 at 10.25.41.png

Screenshot 2022-10-19 at 10.25.27.png

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