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[SUPPORT] Template masterwishx/browserless

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Support thread for masterwishx/browserless   playwright-chrome  -  browserless/chrome docker image. 



browserless is a web-service that allows for remote clients to connect, drive, and execute headless work; all inside of docker. It offers first-class integrations for puppeteer, playwright, selenium's webdriver, and a slew of handy REST APIs for doing more common work. On top of all that it takes care of other common issues such as missing system-fonts, missing external libraries, and performance improvements. We even handle edge-cases like downloading files, managing sessions, and have a fully-fledged documentation site.

If you've been struggling to get Chrome up and running docker, or scaling out your headless workloads, then browserless was built for you.


This docker is needed for changedetection.io  , you can find it in Ca Apps .  its like Distill.io tool .

more read here https://github.com/dgtlmoon/changedetection.io/wiki/Fetching-pages-with-WebDriver

and here https://github.com/dgtlmoon/changedetection.io/wiki/Playwright-content-fetcher


Docker size about 910Mb !!!

I'm only made a template for it.




add this var to after install to your changedetection.io:





Edited by Masterwishx
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  • Masterwishx changed the title to [SUPPORT] Template masterwishx/browserless
  • 2 months later...
10 hours ago, KillerVette42 said:

In my changedetection.io docker, i get the error No module named 'playwright'.  I have added PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://yourIP:yourPORT/?stealth=1&--disable-web-security=true as a variable in the docker settings for changedetection.  Any ideas??

Are you using the LinuxServer version? You have to pull it from the dgtlmoon docker hub image.

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On 1/2/2023 at 6:21 PM, KillerVette42 said:

In my changedetection.io docker, i get the error No module named 'playwright'.  I have added PLAYWRIGHT_DRIVER_URL=ws://yourIP:yourPORT/?stealth=1&--disable-web-security=true as a variable in the docker settings for changedetection.  Any ideas??


Like @PopRockRoll said you should use official docker from dgtlmoon, Becouse Linuxserver Docker don't support playwright if I remember correctly. 

Edited by Masterwishx
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  • 1 month later...
3 hours ago, rainmanjam said:

I'm getting an error when I connect through the GUI



Thanks for let me know ,checked and also have this problem, i think its after last update, i opened issue on they github. 


you can also write about error ....

just change container to get version befor this or wait when they fix it ,if you really need the GUI....

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  • 2 months later...
On 2/14/2023 at 9:13 AM, Masterwishx said:

you can try change to  browserless/chrome:1.53-chrome-stable for container this should work fine ...



@Masterwishx Made an account here on Unraid to say thanks for your suggestion on using an older version of Browser-less Chrome. Prior to coming across your post, I too had been experiencing connection errors between ChangeDetection and Chrome. I also noticed Chrome wasn't getting an IP address (turns out Playwright Chrome had been crashing at the start). Took your suggestion about downgrading and voila!-- Playwright Chrome began functioning properly, and Changedetection communicated with Playwright


Pretty darn happy right now, after spending 3 hours attempting to get Changedetection to function properly. Again, many thanks.

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You are welcome, if I understand right that your containers not in Unraid? 


Becose In Unraid I didn't saw problem or communication between changedetection and browserless, only if you are using Linuxserver changedetection container, they don't have playwright on it. 


The problem here is was for WebUI using of browserless, they fixed after that and then newer versions also was errors like today with lasted, but only for WebUI using. 


Anyway browserless/chrome:X.XX-chrome-stable is better to use for no errors. 

I'm glad that it's helps in your case also. 

Edited by Masterwishx
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  • 6 months later...

Greetings, thank you for your work!


I really like the Browserless / Changedetection setup but recently i run into some problems:

Most of my queries throw an error because they fail at the browserless "CONNECTION_TIMEOUT" limit (default 300sec / 300000ms) . Changedetection prints this as


"Navigation failed because page was closed! =========================== logs =========================== navigating to "https://store.analogue.co/", waiting until "load" ============================================================"


and "Last fetch time" in Stats matches the Connection Timeout limit. I also switched between some of the stable chrome releases with no success.


Sometimes they succeed and some other seem to work, then the fetch time is way below 30 seconds, so it could work. But for some reason, the "load" never finishes successfully. Two example pages:



Do you have any idea, what could be wrong with my setup? Browserless and Changedetection are in the same subnet, container settings are on default (besides the ws:// url) and some of the checks are working fine and some do from time to time and some of them always fail.


I think there is something happening on the browserless side that prevents to signal that the page load has been finished successfully.

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6 hours ago, Bronzing said:

I think there is something happening on the browserless side that prevents to signal that the page load has been finished successfully


I have also this problem sometime on some checks but didn't digged into it, not sure if it browserless issue, but I think you should open issue on github in changedetection.io.


Also I'm using not internal docker address 172.x.x.x

But it's not related to this issue. 

If it works in you case at all. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
On 10/26/2022 at 8:47 AM, Masterwishx said:


Please use A75G's repository template for official changedetection.io container from https://hub.docker.com/r/dgtlmoon/changedetection.io .

image by linuxserver container does NOT contain Playwright content fetcher .

Is this still necessary? It looks like the Linuxserver version has since updated Playwright. 



Build Playwright from source because Microsoft's build and packaging process is awful.


Build Playwright-python from source, add libjpeg.


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