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Include and exclude disk from shares. Will this only affect new files?

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Qucik question.


If I set share A to exclude disk 1, will that cause any issues with the files that already are on disk 1 and are used in that share?


Say I have a share named TV. Here are all my tv-shows. I now want to exclude new files from going to disk 1 so I set the tv share to exclude disk 1.


What will then happen to the files already on disk 1 for my TV share? 


If show A has 2 episodes on disk 1 and the rest on disk 2, will I now be missing the 2 episodes that are located on disk 1 since this disk is excluded from the share, or will exclude disk 1 only affect new files I get after setting it to exclude disk 1?


I know that if I exclude the disk from global share the episodes will be missing, so want to know if it is the same when set on share lvl


Hope this make any sense :P

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