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unmountable drives

Go to solution Solved by trurl,

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Hi all!

just getting started with Unraid after building a server, bit of a noob here. I have 4 HDD and 2 NVMe, 1 NVMe is in a separate pool which is fine and mounted no problem. 1 NVMe is in a cache pool and is showing unmountable: unsupported partition layout. I have 2 HDD in parity and 2 as disks in the array, the 2 in the array show as unmountable: unsupported partition also. Every drive in this build is brand new out of the box i should mention. when i press the format button it says its formatting for a split second then goes back to the same thing. When i check the logs while it does that i get a few different errors but i believe all related to unable to generate a UUID.



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