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So this is my first unraid build thanks to retiring hardware at one of my offices.  The case and a full complement of 4TB WD Black drives along with a supermicro X9SCM-F with 32GB of ram is what came with the case.  I had spare E5 2650v2's and extra DDR3 ram lying around so I purchased a used X0DR3-F motherboard online along with the super quiet power supplies.  The non 4TB hdd's came from my existing 8 bay synology that i was using previously.


OS at time of building: 6.11.1
CPU: 2x Intel E5-2650v2
Motherboard: Supermicro X9DR3-F
Case: Supermicro CSE-846
Drive Cage(s): 24
Power Supply: 2x 900 SQ
SATA Expansion Card(s): ARC-1882IX-24
Cables: no idea
Fans: All stock supermicro cse-846 case fans


Parity Drive: 1x 10TB Seagate Ironwolf and 1x 10TB Seagate EXOS Enterprise
Data Drives: 1x 4TB Seagate Constellation, 13x 4TB WD Black, 7x 6TB Seagate Ironwolf, 1x 8TB Seagate Ironwolf
Cache Drive: 2x Samsung 860 EVO 1TB SSD
Total Drive Capacity: 106 TB


Primary Use: Media Storage and NextCloud
Likes: 24 bays of storage capacity
Dislikes: the weight... ugh, it's not fun to move while i still don't have a rack for it
Add Ons Used: My Servers, Nvidia Driver, rclone, Unassigned devices (and plus), user scripts, plex, nextcloud, swag
Future Plans: More VM's for testing things and probably newer CPU / Mobo combo eventually

Boot (peak): 413W
Idle (avg): 333W
Active (avg): 365W
Light use (avg): 345






I would like to get the power consumption down but I'm happy with it currently.  The hardware used was mostly hand me downs with only really purchasing the used motherboard, cpu heat-sinks,  and the replacement super quiet psu's.  All in, i think I've only invested around $250.  I would not say you can build this for $250 to anyone.  The case used alone is more than that on the open market.  But, for equipment saved from going to the recycler and going to my house, I'm happy with the cost.


Edited by LordMael
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You sure did score some very nice hardware and make great use of it.  The CSE-846 is one of my dream cases, but I don't have the space.


256GB is a lot especially if you want to get power usage down.  Unless you are running loads of VM's and dockers you are probably fine with 64GB or even 32GB with moderate virtualization.  I'm well under 100 watts idle and still under 300 watts all out.


Really nice build though.

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