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Drive Failed While Replacing Another Drive

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Version 6.11.2



I replaced disk 5 (sdg) from the screenshot above with an identical disk (sde) and started to rebuild that disk. During the rebuild, disk 7 (sdf) began to report lots of errors and eventually failed. The array rebuild continued and eventually completed, but obviously disk 5 has not been fully/successfully reconstructed.


The previous disk 5 (dev 1/sdg in unassigned devices above) is still operational and could be put back into the array. However, during the rebuild, there were docker containers running that were writing to the array (like a torrent client, etc.).


So I am assuming that I will lose some amount of data here and that the best I can hope for is to mitigate/minimize my losses as much as possible, but I'm unsure exactly what the best next steps to take would be.


Can I just swap dev 1/sdg back into the disk 5 slot? And then try to rebuild disk 7 on a new drive? I assume since there have been further writes to the array after sdg was taken out of the array that this would mean parity sync issues.


Diagnostics are attached but not exactly sure how much help they will be. Please let me know if there's any other info I can provide and how you might recommend to proceed. Your help would be really appreciated.


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Thank you, @JorgeB. I did as you suggested: powered down and replaced the SATA cable and reseated the power cables.




Disk 7 has reappeared (as you probably suspected) and disk 5 now shows as unmountable, which also seems expected. I've started extended SMART scans on both disks for now and have posted diagnostics.


If the SMART scans complete without issue, do you think it's safe to go ahead and just try to rebuild disk 5?


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