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High Water / Split Level not working correctly!?

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Hey there, I am on my way migrating my old Windows based Plex server to unraid. I a doing it by connecting the HDD which contains the media with my unraid server and use the unassigned devices plugin to copy the files to my array. I just ran it over night an now noticed, that the allocation method does not seem to work properly.


Source NFTS drive is structered like this


Movies/MovieA/MovieA.file MovieA.nfo
Movies/MovieB/MovieB.file MovieB.nfo



I created a share on my unraid which is called movies. Within that there are some more folders





The share is allowed to use all of my HDDs of the array (4 in total). Two of them are 10TB and two are 12TB. The share is configured this way.



So it ended up that disk 2 was 100% filled up and then the copy process just stopped. It started with disk two, cause there was already other data put on disk 1 before.

I noticed, that once I start the copy process, the MovieA, MovieB...folders are already created empty on one single disk. Might this be the problem, since the source HDD is bigger then 12TB? It seems, that there is no calculation in beetween the copy process. Am i right? Or are some settings wrong which I do not see? Is there a way to fix this issue, so that I can just run the copy process over night, without beeing worried?



Edited by pille
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5 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

It is, either use a different tool to copy, like for example windows explorer, or temporarily change the split level to split all.


Ok. Thanks for clearification and response. Will split all then maybe spread all data anywhere?

For example the MovieA.mkv to disk 1 and the MovieA.nfo to disk 2? Or will it keep the movie folders and their contents together?


When I copy with unassigned devices all files are owned by root with 777 permission. With Windows Explorer I saw, that the files are then owned by the user who pushed the files to the array. Does this matter? Or can this be ignored for a use with Plex?

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3 minutes ago, pille said:

For example the MovieA.mkv to disk 1 and the MovieA.nfo to disk 2? Or will it keep the movie folders and their contents together?

Most thinks will remain together since they are copied in order, you might have a few split when it changes disk in the middle.


4 minutes ago, pille said:

Does this matter? Or can this be ignored for a use with Plex?

It should not matter by I don't use Plex.

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14 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Most thinks will remain together since they are copied in order, you might have a few split when it changes disk in the middle.


It should not matter by I don't use Plex.

Great info. Thanks a lot. Maybe I then just set the minum free space to a low level. 2GB or something. Then it should be able to copy the .nfo an begin the new movie wherever space is available, since there is no movie file which is smaler then 2GB

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