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Unable to upgrade/replace drive in array - drive disappears?

Go to solution Solved by itimpi,

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Hi all,


I have an HP microserver Gen8 that has been running fine for years.   Time for HDD upgrades!

I bought a few 14tb drives for the upgrade but am having issues.

First I upgraded my parity drive.  It went fine and took about 18 hours.


Now I am trying to remove a 3tb and am having trouble.

Steps taken

- ran parity check.

- turned off all my docker auto starts

- turned off my array auto start

- powered off server

- replaced 3tb drive with 14tb drive.

Powered on server.


Here's where the problems begin.

The slot where the 3TB used to be is empty as expected - I try to add the 14tb from the pull down menu, but when I do so it disappears and is now listed as an "Unassigned Drive".


It is unable to be mounted and says Array with a circle and slash (words greyed out)


Any ideas how I can get this into the array?

Both drives are supposed to be 14tb.  Is it possible that this one is a few bytes larger than the parity drive?  If so how can I find out?


Thanks in advance


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>  I would carefully check all cabling to the drive.  If it is not that then the drive itself could be faulty.

Crap - the drive sites in a hot swap tray - and I rechecked the old 3tb drive - it works fine.

The drive is brand new. It has to be the drive.  The drive is the only thing that changed.

OK thanks guys I will RMA it.


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