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First time multi-drive failure

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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36 minutes ago, trurl said:

It is emulated, but unmountable. Check filesystem on emulated disk23

Dear lord, you can checkfs an emaulated disk - OK, done and remounted the array in online mode, disk is mounted and only 83GB in L+F out of 1.6TB on the disk - That is monstrously good.

Am I correct in assuming the process to complete will be as Follows:

Offline array --> Assign replacement disk23 -> rebuild data

Once data rebuild is complete --> offline array --> Assign Parity Disk 1 --> rebuild Parity

Done after that right?

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@trurl @JorgeB Looks like the parity disk is bad after all, any insight into the current status from a diag?

It got 625GB into the rebuild before getting marked bad again.


Since I only attempted a rebuild using PD2 do you think it would be possible for me to complete the same steps again this time with PD1 as the parity disk or is it time to call it unrecoverable?

Since I was able to emulate the disk I know exactly what was stored on the drive so recovering the information shouldn't be particularly difficult.


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It is indeed a white label unit. I can see why you wouldn't trust them, I've lost trust in them too now to be honest. Although it has a 1yr warranty I think I'll avoid them going forward. Not worth the hassle but I'll still get them RMA'd since they're only a little over a month old. Unraid has disabled the disk after 11,166 read errors.

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Would it be even worth attempting a rebuild using PD1 or just scrap them?

I've realised how dumb this idea is since the array has been online and the parity will now be *very* out of sync - unless you guys have something you can recommend trying I'll dump the old Parity disks out tomorrow, install the new ones and and rebuild with them. As mentioned before now that I have a file list of what was on D23 I can easily replace the missing content much quicker than checking every single folder for missing data so it's not all that much of a time sink. 


I think I'll have to raw-dog the new drives striaght into production as I simply don't have the time to wait for a full Read/Write/Read clear of the drive - I will make it known that I would really prefer to burn in the new drives with a complete preclear but these are brand new Ironwolf units so I have a baseline trust that they work out of the box and as it stands right now getting some form of parity protection on the array is more important that running a preclear on brand new disks.

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