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Server becomes unresponsive after trying to use Sonarr/Radarr/Plex


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Hello, all. I keep having an issue, and after multiple suggestions from the FB group not resolving the issue, I was told to try posting here. 


I have a server setup just for my home media. No VMs, only a few docker containers (Plex, Sonarr, Radarr, Lidarr, and NZBGet). I keep having an issue where when importing new shows/movies with the Arrs, or using plex on tvs around the house, the server will suddenly become unresponsive and won't load. All dockers stop, and the GUI of unraid will not load.


When this happens, the server still responds to ping requests. It hangs up on my PC, as well as locally with a monitor/keyboard right on the server. 


Things I have tried:

Updating/removing and reinstalling dockers

new network config in Unraid 

New 10 gig DAC cables, as well as Cat6a cables to the server, and new switching ports on net cards/switches


Nothing has been successful yet. Sometimes it hangs for about 20 seconds, other times up to 20 minutes. I have 2 other unraid instances that have no issues, albeit with different docker containers/VMs. I have attached my diag file. Thank you in advance!  



I am unsure if this helps, but this is on a Dell poweredge T420, running unraid 6.11.5. 


Edited by John9
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/28/2022 at 3:22 AM, JorgeB said:

Enable the syslog server and post that after a crash.

Sorry I haven't replied sooner. I have enabled the syslogserver, and rebooted the machine. Upon reboot, the machine now hangs up almost constantly, and the dockers/machine are nearly unusable. I have attached the syslog file, as well as a current diag file. Thank you

homemediaserver-diagnostics-20230120-0540.zip syslog-

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47 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Nothing out of the ordinary logged that I can see, does it do the same if you start in safe mode? If yes does the same happen if you stop the docker service?

I will try that now. It got much worse directly after enabling the syslogs; should I be safe to disable those now to continue testing?

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52 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Nothing out of the ordinary logged that I can see, does it do the same if you start in safe mode? If yes does the same happen if you stop the docker service?

With the server running in safe mode and syslog disabled, the issue is still present. Without dockers enabled, I won't be able to troubleshoot further. The issue only occurs when using said docker containers. Is there a way to narrow this down further? 

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1 hour ago, JorgeB said:

Try starting the containers one at a time to see if there's one culprit.

After going through one by one and then in various pairs, it seems the issue is with Plex. With plex running by itself, there are minor hiccups (nowhere as bad as it usually is). However, as soon as one of the Arrs begins to download via NZB, the issues begin. Running the Arrs and NZB with Plex stopped works just fine. I have already removed the plex docker and added a new one back in but the problem persists. Could this be a plex config issue? The cpu and memory utilization on the server don't seem to be the issue, so I am not sure what else to check. Everything is up to date. 

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15 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

I've never used Plex, maybe try asking in the support thread for the release you are using, or someone else might be able to help here.

It appears I have spoken too soon. Now the server is having issues again, but Plex is still disabled. It is either NZBget or Sonarr/Radarr, but I cant really test one without the other. With them being enabled, the issue never happens. It's only when the Arrs start sending the downloads to NZB. Surely there has to be a log somewhere that will show an issue?

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