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Cache 2 183 degrees

Go to solution Solved by nettech_gt,

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I upgraded from 6.9.2 to 6.11.5 last week. The only things that have changed are I installed the My Servers plugin and uninstalled plugins that are no longer supported. (CA Backup v2 and the Nerd Pack) Then installed CA Backup v3 (Kluth version) Since then I have been getting notifications multiple times a day that Cache 2 is at 183 degrees. ( I have no clue as to why...) Then about 20-30 mins. later it goes back to normal. This is not normal behavior for my server. Very rarely would I ever get a notification the either of my cache drives are hot. Cache 2 has a heat sink and there is a fan that blows across both Cache drive 1 and 2. Any ideas? Thanks!

UNRAID Notification.png


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This is an issue with the Samsung 980 nvme. Search the forum and you will see a lot of similar posts, some will have more details on the why if you are interested.


Here is a link to a known solution to prevent the warnings (I'm posting what Jorge, or other mods would post 🙂 )



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