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Docker high image disk utilization

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Hello, I have been using unraid for several years now, for several I have had my docker image filling up and emptying. This causes me problems because sometimes it crashes my server and it stops responding. I'm trying to find the cause but I can't, I've searched but without result. I turned off most of my dockers but the problem is still present.



The docker is constantly filling up and in a few minutes it will be at 100%


Here are the dockers that are on:






In the plex configurations I have put the transcode outside my docker







Currently I have stream on plex and it's live play



Label: none uuid: 7fc3f933-0fb8-4d9f-b34b-d7e3f72b084b Total devices 1 FS bytes used 75.69GiB devid 1 size 100.00GiB used 79.99GiB path /dev/loop2

UUID: 7fc3f933-0fb8-4d9f-b34b-d7e3f72b084b no stats available Total to scrub: 76.28GiB Rate: 0.00B/s Error summary: no errors found


docker ps -s

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                         COMMAND                  CREATED       STATUS                 PORTS                                                                                                                               NAMES               SIZE
d1b5b302005b   binhex/arch-plexpass          "/usr/bin/dumb-init …"   3 days ago    Up 8 hours                                                                                                                                                 binhex-plexpass     252MB (virtual 1.6GB)
a56a1e25ec60   jlesage/nginx-proxy-manager   "/init"                  2 weeks ago   Up 8 hours   >4443/tcp, :::18443->4443/tcp,>8080/tcp, :::1880->8080/tcp,>8181/tcp, :::7818->8181/tcp   NginxProxyManager   16.3kB (virtual 192MB)
6bf65029154c   bitwardenrs/server            "/usr/bin/dumb-init …"   2 weeks ago   Up 8 hours (healthy)   3012/tcp,>80/tcp, :::8080->80/tcp                                                                                     bitwardenrs         0B (virtual 187MB)
45e8ead4bf44   oznu/cloudflare-ddns          "/init"                  2 weeks ago   Up 8 hours                                                                                                                                                 cloudflare-ddns     5.8kB (virtual 36.3MB)


du -h -d 1 /var/lib/docker/

936K    /var/lib/docker/containerd
197M    /var/lib/docker/containers
0       /var/lib/docker/plugins


Docker Container Size:

deepstack                                         4.28 GB                  845 kB                   11.8 MB
binhex-plexpass                                   1.60 GB                  252 MB                   59.5 kB
binhex-delugevpn-2                                1.36 GB                  3.08 MB                  441 kB
binhex-delugevpn-1                                1.23 GB                  3.13 MB                  159 kB
binhex-prowlarr                                   1.14 GB                  216 MB                   7.73 MB
radarr                                            1.03 GB                  163 MB                   172 MB
meshcentral                                       633 MB                   20.6 MB                  1.83 kB
epicgames-freegames                               603 MB                   2.07 MB                  3.92 kB
flaresolverr                                      591 MB                   13.3 MB                  14.6 kB
ombi                                              438 MB                   140 MB                   31.2 kB
Mealie                                            401 MB                   14.5 MB                  1.36 MB
sonarr                                            336 MB                   0 B                      42.6 MB
Plex-Meta-Manager                                 271 MB                   0 B                      42.6 MB
openvpn-as                                        258 MB                   29.5 MB                  18.9 kB
tautulli                                          201 MB                   327 kB                   1.99 MB
NginxProxyManager                                 192 MB                   16.3 kB                  7.94 MB
bitwardenrs                                       187 MB                   0 B                      254 kB
postgres                                          158 MB                   0 B                      7.62 kB
Redis                                             117 MB                   0 B                      2.28 kB
cloudflare-ddns                                   36.3 MB                  5.80 kB                  1.38 MB
vm_custom_icons                                   33.3 MB                  0 B                      2.99 kB
Total size                                        15.1 GB                  858 MB                   291 MB


I tried a script from Spaceinvader One to check the space but can't find the problem

Script location: /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/Check Docker Size/script
Note that closing this window will abort the execution of this script
Cleanup before starting (if requested in script)

Not removing orphaned images (this can be set in script if you want to)


Not removing unconnected docker volumes (this can be set in script if you want to)

List of Image, Container and docker volume size.

There are 26 Images taking up ......14.75GB
There are 21 Containers taking up ......857.7MB
There are 19 Local Volumes taking up ......53.07MB
There are 0 Build Cache taking up ......0B

List of containers showing size and virtual size

First size is the writable layers of the container (Virtual size is writable and read only layers)

0B (virtual 336MB) Is being taken up by ......... lscr.io/linuxserver/sonarr
0B (virtual 271MB) Is being taken up by ......... meisnate12/plex-meta-manager
2.07MB (virtual 603MB) Is being taken up by ......... charlocharlie/epicgames-freegames:latest
29.5MB (virtual 258MB) Is being taken up by ......... linuxserver/openvpn-as
252MB (virtual 1.6GB) Is being taken up by ......... binhex/arch-plexpass
3.13MB (virtual 1.23GB) Is being taken up by ......... binhex/arch-delugevpn
13.3MB (virtual 591MB) Is being taken up by ......... flaresolverr/flaresolverr
20.6MB (virtual 633MB) Is being taken up by ......... typhonragewind/meshcentral
0B (virtual 117MB) Is being taken up by ......... redis
0B (virtual 158MB) Is being taken up by ......... postgres:12.5-alpine
845kB (virtual 4.28GB) Is being taken up by ......... deepquestai/deepstack
140MB (virtual 438MB) Is being taken up by ......... linuxserver/ombi
163MB (virtual 1.03GB) Is being taken up by ......... binhex/arch-radarr
327kB (virtual 201MB) Is being taken up by ......... tautulli/tautulli
0B (virtual 33.3MB) Is being taken up by ......... spaceinvaderone/vm_custom_icons
16.3kB (virtual 192MB) Is being taken up by ......... jlesage/nginx-proxy-manager
14.5MB (virtual 401MB) Is being taken up by ......... hkotel/mealie:latest
0B (virtual 187MB) Is being taken up by ......... bitwardenrs/server
216MB (virtual 1.14GB) Is being taken up by ......... binhex/arch-prowlarr
3.08MB (virtual 1.36GB) Is being taken up by ......... ef66c60e791c
5.8kB (virtual 36.3MB) Is being taken up by ......... oznu/cloudflare-ddns

List of containers in size order

4280MB - deepquestai/deepstack
2180MB - altran1502/immich-machine-learning
1350MB - binhex/arch-plexpass
1230MB - binhex/arch-delugevpn
929MB - binhex/arch-prowlarr
870MB - binhex/arch-radarr
612MB - typhonragewind/meshcentral
601MB - charlocharlie/epicgames-freegames
578MB - flaresolverr/flaresolverr
506MB - altran1502/immich-server
387MB - hkotel/mealie
385MB - altran1502/immich-web
376MB - postgres
336MB - lscr.io/linuxserver/sonarr
298MB - linuxserver/ombi
271MB - meisnate12/plex-meta-manager
228MB - linuxserver/openvpn-as
201MB - tautulli/tautulli
192MB - jlesage/nginx-proxy-manager
187MB - bitwardenrs/server
158MB - postgres
142MB - altran1502/immich-proxy
117MB - redis
113MB - redis
36.3MB - oznu/cloudflare-ddns
33.3MB - spaceinvaderone/vm_custom_icons

List of docker volumes, the container which they are connected to their size

ID 0b0be3d0a13bf700eab18f5bd34acc6c725959ef17d107b56362973ae7418f70
This volume connected to has a size of 0

ID 0e5a75fa989996ed984392248cd18c20be808c7cf9773f3437cd193eca9de4ec
This volume connected to has a size of 4.0K

ID 1cfbe3f07107bad070027971724ce7e35bde5c06d6d40614723f4da77a3a6cc0
This volume connected to has a size of 0

ID 08e9c4b8962b5444ecc0e4624d88129b744408e90146077be9f0a1af4fe22b9c
This volume connected to has a size of 0

ID 42e4f1973f15b5148f900c83c5455a7be65fe85f87fe2a47ff5e4fd85aebca12
This volume connected to has a size of 0

ID 46d136f5d0c6f0d3f1555ee72692f0a12051aa81729cd6e31085039ac25a1913
This volume connected to has a size of 0

ID 53df48f2f13d73be079b9e8acc236acae128d5a59a7dc180983e359202b1aaf5
This volume connected to has a size of 0

ID 85c3e131210eb9f707668b7f9ac187b5adc37f0587f21be3bc8a5062de1cf475
This volume connected to meshcentral has a size of 0

ID 150ec0700e535d12386645bf515e3d580960f00d0f8411dfc7ab0cdde3bc9939
This volume connected to has a size of 0

ID 464b730facf3bd1b6b1817fb267666e04dbdf1a93e07932fece2d05aaaacd18e
This volume connected to has a size of 0

ID 816df409baf8917e24e73914520302d2cf9f27f47c0fb98093cbde6ec8821172
This volume connected to has a size of 0

ID 39539516ba802caaee7bb2651016e3909481a500865b1590bd77052a55b7fb3a
This volume connected to has a size of 0

ID a09184cb31a7db363a3364cdf3e4e7f16f4e334f8bfdac47d2c1c41aaf47bfbd
This volume connected to Redis has a size of 4.0K

ID c623db44f320eec627c9b1e6411f98f80ec35ec66604f192faa3b792db9393a6
This volume connected to has a size of 0

ID dcf7fce0d9a6b84bd630aeb44f27fa1be084a47f3bae375151659019df0a3369
This volume connected to has a size of 0

ID e2d6cc70f9db8dc1d13ea95e8f4a1cd45aadb0c2823d3dc3cd4e9d0eee8b5d92
This volume connected to has a size of 0

ID eee3c4204b7f4cf4876f962d77b8a0dcff18757689862c6bcf720a2025fc4a8e
This volume connected to has a size of 0

ID fc08d2085b36b6474ce8b02a199abe89a19d0286fb295e2080dd675f53e6838a
This volume connected to has a size of 0

ID immich_pgdata
This volume connected to has a size of 51M



docker ps | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v CONTAINER | xargs -n 1 -I {} sh -c "echo -e \\\n#================\\\nDocker container:{}; docker exec {} du -hx -d1 / "


Docker container:d1b5b302005b
7.9M    /etc
16K     /root
4.0K    /.gnupg
0       /boot
2.0M    /home
0       /mnt
0       /opt
0       /run
0       /srv
8.0K    /tmp
1.4G    /usr
17M     /var
1.4G    /

Docker container:a56a1e25ec60
7.1M    /bin
2.0M    /etc
0       /home
5.0M    /lib
0       /media
0       /mnt
48.8M   /opt
0       /root
224.0K  /run
460.0K  /sbin
0       /srv
0       /tmp
142.4M  /usr
4.4M    /var
84.0K   /libexec
20.0K   /defaults
210.5M  /

Docker container:6bf65029154c
4.9M    /bin
0       /boot
1.9M    /etc
0       /home
12M     /lib
4.0K    /lib64
0       /media
0       /mnt
0       /opt
8.0K    /root
0       /run
4.2M    /sbin
0       /srv
0       /tmp
103M    /usr
6.8M    /var
33M     /web-vault
197M    /

Docker container:45e8ead4bf44
7.6M    /bin
1.8M    /etc
0       /home
4.7M    /lib
0       /media
0       /mnt
0       /opt
0       /root
84K     /run
592K    /sbin
0       /srv
0       /tmp
26M     /usr
12K     /var
4.0K    /app
4.0K    /config
0       /defaults
108K    /libexec
41M     /


Someone can help me plz, sry for my english im french 

d diagnostic.zip

Edited by nicecube
Added Container Size
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The usual cause of filling docker.img is an application writing to a path that isn't mapped. Check the settings within each application and make sure any path specified within the application is a container path mapped to a host path.


Stopping a container won't free up space, you have to remove and reinstall.


Try recreating docker img (100G shouldn't be necessary for anyone) and reinstalling containers one at a time to see if you can isolate.



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9 minutes ago, trurl said:

The usual cause of filling docker.img is an application writing to a path that isn't mapped. Check the settings within each application and make sure any path specified within the application is a container path mapped to a host path.


Stopping a container won't free up space, you have to remove and reinstall.


Try recreating docker img (100G shouldn't be necessary for anyone) and reinstalling containers one at a time to see if you can isolate.



I deleted my image last week, reinstalled my dockers with previous app and made sure all variables were outside of my docker img

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12 minutes ago, trurl said:

Also, your system share has files on disk1. You should try to clean that up while you have docker disabled to recreate it.

Can you help me with this, I don't understand how I could have done this.


I disabled and re-enabled docker and my image usage went from 83% to 13%

Edited by nicecube
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