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Unable to Get Intel Integrated GPU Usable in Unraid & Containers

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Hi all,


First off, thank you for any assistance as I've spent a few hours researching and trying things and got gotten anywhere. I'll admit I'm pretty ignorant with Linux, so my apologies in advance if it's something silly and dumb.


I just upgraded my aged Lenovo TS140 Thinkserver that used a Quadro P400 for transcoding to a much newer build utilizing an i7 11700K, really for the much better transcoding capabilities and extra horsepower. I found a high end, new Z590 motherboard on clearance that I am using, the Asrock Z590 OC Formula. I know the Intel CPU has Quick Sync, and I know the Asrock motherboard doesn't have any video outputs on the motherboard, and I also noticed that within the BIOS there was nothing related to anything Intel Graphics that I could find. That said, I am using that Quadro P400 for now to navigate the BIOS,


I migrated everything fine, and my Quadro P400 card works just fine for transcoding and such like my previous machine, as well as shows as a passthrough GPU in System Devices (I still have the Nvidia Driver plugin installed). The Intel GPU is nowhere to be found in System Devices.


I installed Intel GPU TOP plugin, rebooted, and nothing shows when using the intel_gpu_top command in terminal.



I created the blank i915.conf file using "touch /boot/config/modprobe.d/i915.conf" from terminal, but still nothing shows up in system options or Plex transcoding.



I've made sure my Plex extra parameter is set for Intel, and removed all Nvidia options from the container options as well. Is there something that I'm just missing here? The one thing that worries me is I found in fine print in the manual of this motherboard that it doesn't support integrated graphics, but that was in the "Rear I/O" section of the manual, and on the spec page it lists "Graphics" as "n/a", but it wouldn't make sense that the motherboard actually disables a feature of the CPU I'd think, so I'm sure I'm just being dumb here. I do have the Nvidia Driver, GPU Statistics, and Intel GPU TOP plugins installed. When viewing the different devices on GPU statistics, only the Nvidia shows up.



FWIW, when I type into terminal:

cd /dev/dri


I get the below output, which I think is a good thing?



I'd like the option to pass through the integrated Intel GPU to a VM, or at the very least use it for transcoding instead of my P400.


I've attached a few logs. Any assistance is greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!

lscpu.txt motherboard.txt syslog.txt

Edited by DSandyGuy
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  • 7 months later...
On 10/17/2023 at 6:42 PM, JonathanM said:

Are you using the IPMI video chip? Many motherboards don't expose the iGPU unless you are using it.


I'm not entirely sure how to answer this question.

Mentioned box is HP Proliant ML30 gen9 with HP ILO4.
Apparently those boxes have additional ancient `GPU` built in for ILO and this causes the problem.


Googled like crazy but I have not found any solution for this problem.

Attached diagnostics. Please have a look if you have a spare minute or two


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