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PCIE to Sata failure -> Disk Disabled -> Emulated Disk "Unmountable: Wrong or no file system"

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I have currently lost access to parts of my data and hope you guys can help me save my data.


TLDR: Disk should be healthy but parity might have some slight errors resulting in emulated content being unmountable



  • I run 2 Unraid Servers via my ESXI Server
  • This morning I wanted to finally add a new 18TB Drive to my Unraid server. For that I added the sata cable to a new PCIE card I inserted together with some other disks to switch from a different PCIE to Sata card that had caused problems in the past when trying to add this 18TB Drive. (Full on Crash of the Host Server)
  • I passed the disk through to my Secondary Test Unraid Server for pre clearing
  • Disk available. To test all is working well I mount it with unassigned devices with a filesystem and copy ~50GB of stuff onto it to be sure its working just fine. All goes well
  • I start the Preclear. All seems well.
  • Suddenly my main Unraid Server is reporting problems and get the following 2 Mails:
    • Event: Unraid Disk 7 SMART health [85]

      Subject: Warning [TOWER] - unknown attribute (failing now) is 93824992236885

      Description: WDC_WD140EDGZ-11B1PA0_Y6GVG5JC (sdg)

    • Event: Unraid array errors

      Subject: Warning [TOWER] - array has errors

      Description: Array has 1 disk with read errors

      Importance: warning

      Disk 1 - WDC_WD120EDAZ-11F3RA0_8CK6E17F (sdd) (errors 397)

  • While checking Unraid I notice 100% CPU usage.

  • Disk 1 gets disabled. Has around ~800 Errors in Unraid UI, Disk 7 has around 600 Errors

  • I shut the Unraid Server + whole ESXI server down shortly after and do some experimenting while booting my ESXI a few times and decide to go back to my old PCIE Card

  • I disconnect the 18TB fully. I put in the old PCIE to Sata card and connect the drives again.

  • I boot all up again and don't notice that at this moment already the emulated disk was probably not readable

  • I remove the disabled disk, start array, stop it immediately, add it again

  • Now I start the array to start the rebuild on the same disk.

  • After around 1TB of the 12TB rebuild that was happening on the side without any Read or Write Errors I notice the "Unmountable" Error. After reading up on it I verify that this is not good . I also notice all files on the drive are not available due to this..

  • I stop the array. Restart the Unraid server. Remove the Disk again and just start it with a missing disk to see if it still shows Unmountable.

  • As it still shows unmountable I left it there while making sure no Processes or Dockers were running to further damage anything and wrote this post.


My personal interpretation:

  • Both Disk 7 and 1 are totally fine phyiscally and any small smart value change will have been caused by the PCIE to Sata Controller Error
  • As Both Disk 7 and 1 had errors I assume the file system of the emulated disk is getting jumbled.
  • I think 99.9% of Parity and 99.9% of the Disks content should be fine.
  • I want to be sure that anything I do does not make the situation worse so I am waiting on messages here before trying anything further.
  • I have a backup of the most critical data. But there is still a good chunk of data on that drive that would be very bad to loose.


I hope I can still get some support on this topic even if I am using a ESXI. I do not expect any help on the problems relating to the ESXI itself but just wanted to be transparent about what happened. Basically just a isolated view on data recovery in this scenario with me figuring out by myself why this was caused in the first place.




Edited by Anon
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@JorgeBThanks so much for your quick response.

I read through the link you sent and due to my File System being XFS I ran the check with the parameters -nv.


I got the following output:



If I understand this correctly the command says it would write a modified primary superblock.

Is it correct that the way to move forward from here is to execute the Check again with the "-v" parameter alone?


Information that are linked to the shown error:



I apologize in advance for asking any small step but I just want to be absolutely certain I do not damage the files that might still be on the disk.


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Thanks once again you are awesome.

I ran the -v and got this:



As you already correctly predicted this message I am now to not follow the advice of the "mount, replay the log, unmount it" but rather run it directly with "-vL"

For other people in the future link to a different topic that explains why its okay to run "-L" to delete the log:


I am gonna run that now and report back afterwards

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