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rebuild with errors cross disks

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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last week I first upgraded my parity to 18tb disk, that went without a hitch, completed with no errors and warnings. then I tried to upgrade disk 7, from 8tb to a brand new 14tb (already stress tested) and half way thru, all kinds of errors started popping out (reading errors?). and this is my 2nd attempt, it already happened once over the weekend, I tried shutting it down and checked all cables and started over, but apparently this is more complicated than I can handle on my own.



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  • Solution

Problem with the onboard SATA controller, this used to be be fairly common with Ryzen boards and v6.9/v6.10, much less common with v6.11, possibly because of the newer kernel, look for a BIOS update and/or try v6.12-rc2, failing that best bet would be to use an add-on controller instead.

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On 3/27/2023 at 9:43 AM, JorgeB said:

Problem with the onboard SATA controller, this used to be be fairly common with Ryzen boards and v6.9/v6.10, much less common with v6.11, possibly because of the newer kernel, look for a BIOS update and/or try v6.12-rc2, failing that best bet would be to use an add-on controller instead.

hi, sorry, can I trouble you again? so I checked the cables and upgraded bios, rebuild went smoothly for about 70% before I went to sleep, system crashed when I got up in the morning requiring hard reboot, once logged in notified me rebuild failed with tons of errors. this is the first diagnostics I pulled before starting the array, but after reboot...

all the disks with errors are connected directly to the onboard sata ports, but I'm bit perplexed why the initial parity rebuild went thru without any trouble, but a new data disk a day later is giving me all this hassel.


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