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Do I need to reinstall?

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A few weeks ago, my cache SSD failed spectacularly.   I was unable to recover the Appdata folder from the SSD drive before it went down in flames.


Fast forward, I purchased a new SSD and installed, but found that I couldn't get the appdata backup from the array to pull over to the new SSD.   I assume there may have been ongoing corruption from the SSD failing and it may have not been a complete backup. 


So I recreated the appdata from scratch and started over.   Unfortunately, it has not been stable.   I loaded a docker (homebridge) and it was working okay, except for the inability to check for updates.   I had seen this previously and saw some posts about a workaround, but ever bothered to address it and assumed it would be patched in the next unraid release.


Yesterday, I noticed my homebridge stuff was not working.    I tried to login to the webgui, and it threw a bunch of errors.   I didn't spend a lot of time researching why and decided a Microsoft Shuffle may be a simple fix, so I rebooted the machine and went to bed.    Boy was I wrong.  


I woke up this morning to dockers completely missing.    I tried to load another docker and got this error:


Error: open /var/lib/docker/tmp/GetImageBlob1352818194: no such file or directory


Is my install toast?   Do I need to redo Unraid?






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Not sure what your problem is, but I see that you have the 'system' share where docker is installed set to Use Cache=Yes which means that mover will be trying to move its contents to the array.   Not sure if this can affect docker when using a folder for the docker images.


The 'appdata' share also has part of its contents on the array despite it being set to Use Cache=Prefer.  You should probably get all of that share moved to the cache as well.


The diagnostics would not show any SMART information for the ache drive so cannot check its status.   It might be worth running a scrub on it to check that there is no file system level corruption.  


It looked as if the diagnostics posted are just after a reboot, so after tidying up the points mentioned above if the problem still persists then post new diagnostics taken at that point the problem occurs so we can see the failure you are getting.

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