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Unraid USBs keep failing

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I really don't know what to do here.  I have 2 unraid servers, both get USB drive failures every 3 weeks - 2 months of use.  Ive switched out to 3 different brands and it just keeps happening.  At some point Unraid will stop responding, nothing will work and will be filled with errors.  If I can manage to pull up the web ui after some time, I see no flash detected and cant stop the array or shutdown properly.  I cant SSH in at all.

After reboot, everything works fine again, for 1-2 months again.  I'm at my wits end here and about to abandon using Unraid because of its unreliability.  Is there anything that can be done here?  Can I somehow run Unraid NOT on USB Flash Drive?

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Sometimes this happens when some Docker, Plugin or VM is using the Flash/Boot drive for storage--- Often this will be for temporary scratch files.  Have a good look through the directories for recent activity.    (Modern USB flash drives have very short lives if subjected to continuous write operations...)  

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