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I found where to get norco 4224 in europe


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Dear all,


I have been trying to get a norco 4224 for a few month now in europe.

but as you probably know norcotek does not deliver to europe, and even if it was the case it would take ages and cost an arm and a leg.


I then looked at xcase because I read somewhere that their RM 424 was a rebranded version of the 4224.. I cannot vouch for that... nevertheless it was way to expensive for me to get it from UK. with shipping and taxes...


I then did what I should have done from the beginning.. I sent an email to norcotek asking for an official answer...


and they told me to contact ri-vier.nl (http://www.ri-vier.nl/)


hey... the price is ok, the service is awesome.


I ordered my box + the 120mm fan bracket + all the needed cables + some other goodies..

I got lucky they had everything in stock...

but still I sent my order tuesday at around 2pm... the package was at my door thursday around noon....

so less that 48 hours later !


I also liked the fact that instead of sending me multiple packages, they fitted all my goodies in the 4224 box..


If you ever need a norco case.. you might want to give it a shot.




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price no vat shipping total no vat euro no vat vat in country


£348.00 £38.00 £386.00 € 440.04 20% € 528.05



€ 370.00 € 40.00 € 410.00 € 410.00 19% € 487.90



plus there are accessories I could find at ri-vier which I could not seem to find at xcase :

- the 120 mm fan bracket

- the 1 to 7 molex splitter.. (http://cybershop.ri-vier.nl/drive-4pin-1-male-to-7-female-power-extension-cable-p-71.html)



just my two cents...

but seriously, the big difference maker for me was the service. the way I was treated.

they were very prompt in answering to all my question.

they were very prompt in helping me correct my order.

and I have never been shipped devices so quickly.


as I mentionned they repackaged everything IN my norco 4224.. but they added "bubble paper" (sorry I don't know how to call that) and protected everything the right way... this is for me a good thing, I have already received 4 boxes for 4 items which could have been repackaged the same way...


anyhow. I feel like I am a salesman.. this was not my goal... I just wanted to share a good experience with this company...










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A 1 male to 7 female molex splitter is just ridiculous.  It is also a single point a failure and I suggest NOT using something like that.


Generally I agree but I'm not sure that it really matters.  It's not possible to have each drive on completely independent power runs so the failure of any power cable will affect more than one drive.

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A 1 male to 7 female molex splitter is just ridiculous.  It is also a single point a failure and I suggest NOT using something like that.




thank you for this wise and very well documented consideration... I wonder how we could do without it. ;)

before starting could you please tell us how many psu has out of the box 14 molex connectors.. because that's what I need to power everything in my box. (until I add more stuff... lol)

I have a high end corsair power supply with modular cabling.. I could then get some replacement cables.. and get enough molex.... but I started thinking and doing some math..


Each power cable, even the one provided by Corsair are actually splitters. so if I follow your consideration, adding a corsair cable is adding a point of failure.

the cable provided by Corsair have at best 4 molex.

If I use the original cable provided I cannot use the first connector because it does reach ! so ultimately I end up only 3 usable connectors

the rest is pretty easy if I want to power as many molex connector as I do, it is a simple calculation which does not look good for Corsair original cable. (therefor multiplying the point of failure ;) )

if I was to use the original corsair cable I would need :

original corsair :

- cable 1 .. 3 molex used (out of 4 available) to power the sas backplane

- cable 2 .. 3 molex used (out of 4 available) to power the sas backplane

- cable 3 .. 3 molex used (out of 4 available) to power the sas backplane

- cable 4 .. 3 molex used (out of 4 available) to power the sas backplane

- cable 5 .. 2 molex used (out of 4 available) to power my fans

5 so called point of failure


using two 1-to-7 splitter I would need :

- cable 1 .. 2 molex used (out of 4 available) to power my fans

- cable 2 .. 1 molex used (out of 4 available) to power the 1-to-7 splitter which then power the sas backplane

- cable 3 .. 1 molex used (out of 4 available) to power the 1-to-7 splitter which then power the sas backplane

5 so called point of failure


hear me correctly.. I DO NOT advise everyone to use splitters... they should always be used with caution :

- get some quality one... don't go cheap on that.

- don't put to many devices on the same line. the psu won't be able to deliver enough power on the line.

- don't put more devices that your psu can handle

- don't use them if you can avoid it.. this is the most important rule ! ;)



but rather than pointing out only the bad point try to see that there are some advantages :

- less torsion and stress on the power cables. I ruined one of my previous original corsair cable because I pull it a little bit to much to reach one connector ;)

- less cables running in the box, so I can have a better cable management, and a better airflow



just to give you an example

in my case I am using 3 power cable from my psu :

cable 1 has 4 molex... I use only 2 molex hooked to my fans

cable 2 has 4 molex... I use only 1 molex hooked to a 1-to-7 molex powering only the sata backplane (6 connectors used)

cable 3 has 4 molex... I use only 1 molex hooked to a 1-to-7 molex powering only the sata backplane (6 connectors used)


and I crossed the connection for the backplane :

cable 2 is connected to "primary" power of sas 1, 2, 3 and "secundary" power of sas 4, 5, 6....

cable 3 is connected to "primary" power of sas 4, 5, 6 and "secundary" power of sas 1, 2, 3....

I have read somewhere (but ain't sure and can't find it back) that the power is taken from the primary plug first, and only if needed on the secundary... so if it is working as mentioned I am pulling the equivalent of 3 devices per line during a regular use...


prostuff1, you might be totally right, and criticism can be very constructive.

but I beg you to keep in mind that to power everything one of the alternate solution would be to use multiple smaller splitter. then multiplying the point of failures you are mentioning.

the one I am using is a C-P1T7, which is a Norco one... I am pretty sure they are not totally ridiculous and have an idea of what they are doing.

most of the people having issues with splitters have bought cheap ones hoping to save a few bucks.


just my two cents,

I might be totally wrong, and in a few weeks of usage I will come back here crying for my lost data... ;)






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"Note from X-Case


***The 424 doers now come with a 120 MM Fan Board and 3 x 120mm Fans as standard*****"


How does that change the pricing?


I'm in the UK, and I'd rather buy from a UK company, if the price is similar.


didn't see that...

well first of all you are in UK.. so the shipping cost should be less for you.

+ if you can get it by default with 120mm that saves you 10euros..

but don't expect to keep the fan provided... after reading your message I checked a few reviews/reactions, and everyone seems to be changing the fans anyway... ;)


but thank you for pointing this out.. it could be a difference maker..

I would love to hear from anyone who order from xcase !





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