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Error starting containers - No such file or directory

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Hello! I'm new to unRaid.

I'm currently having trouble running my docker containers. Whenever I try starting a container, I can this error:

Error: open /var/lib/docker/tmp/GetImageBlob3747473030: no such file or directory

I've ran out of ideas on how to fix this.

Things I've tried:

  • Deleting the Docker image
  • Restarting my unRaid server
  • Deleting containers and running them again
    • Sometimes this works for a few days, but when I restart the container, it doesn't work and gives a Server Error dialog



I've attached my diagnostics and a screenshot of my error.

Thank for you helping me out 🙏


Screenshot 2023-05-09 164703.png


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  • Solution

You're using a folder for the docker "image".  But, you have it in the system folder which is set to use cache "Yes".  You want this to be use cache: ONLY, as the docker system probably can't make heads or tails when things get moved around (and you want it to stay on the cache drive anyways for performance)


Stop Docker service in Settings - Docker.  Delete the image folder and then re-enable the service.  Go to Apps, Previous Apps and check off whatever you had installed previously and hit the install button at the bottom.

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  • 4 months later...

Thanks also from my side. The answer was realy helpful. :)
Edit: What is the standard config for the system?

What needs to be done so that we don't have to do this in the future?

I think that since 6.12.9 and my settings have changed.

Thanks in advance

Edit: Hello, I have this problem multiple times. What need I to change to have no issues in the future? I hope you can help me here please. Thanks in advance. :)


First I have this message:
Error: open /var/lib/docker/tmp/GetImageBlob665546986: no such file or directory

After some sec. it disapere and then I have


Starting qdirstat

Downloading docker icons

Docker Application Installation finished

This is funny... :D

Edited by Daniel92
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