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is there a way to speed up parity check as it slowed down

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i found out that had memory problems constantly crashing unraid..  and making it look like cpu nvme or maclan errors..    


so it would crash during parity checks etc...  well i swapped out my memory from my desktop pc.... and running the parity check..  and it usually takes 23-25 hours to parity check.. but at somespotys it jumps  to 107 days to partity check..  its typically running at 6 days it says.. i did reboot it to see if it was some error... but it ran fast to close the 50% but in 2 days  i made it to 55.4%   its estimating 7 more days to run... right now 327 sync errors i had more before i rebooted...  is the errors what causes it?   


oh  not sure if it matters. i went from 32gig ram down to 16 gig for the time being..  is the several days due to 16 gig rams?


and is there a way to get unraid to notify when there is system log errors..  notifications doesnt offer anything  when memory is failing  or errors that show up in system log... is there a plugin that notifiys you  on this.. as its impossible to check system logs every 5 min  to check if there is an error

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