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What controls the language of the VNC app itself when connecting to a VM?

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I am wondering why my VNC shows up in a language that I don't use, and don't have configured (as far as I can find) on my system.


My system has the country set to United Kingdom. The language is English. My browser and OS and everything are all english. I live in Sweden, I just don't know how VNC knows I live in Sweden :)


When I load VNC for a VM, the interface looks like this: 



I recently installed a docker image that also uses VNC, and that uses a different VNC app, but it's still showing in Swedish. 


Is this configurable?



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5 hours ago, Chunks said:

I am wondering why my VNC shows up in a language that I don't use, and don't have configured (as far as I can find) on my system.


My system has the country set to United Kingdom. The language is English. My browser and OS and everything are all english. I live in Sweden, I just don't know how VNC knows I live in Sweden :)


When I load VNC for a VM, the interface looks like this: 



I recently installed a docker image that also uses VNC, and that uses a different VNC app, but it's still showing in Swedish. 


Is this configurable?



I am not able to check for options at the moment, but what is the keyboard set to in the vnc settings on the vm

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I saw your reply and was very ready to feel stupid. It was set to Swedish. So I changed it to English (en-gb), started up the VM, and it was still a Swedish UI. So unfortunately, it wasn't so simple.

Also, and what actually caused me to finally post this thread after ignoring this for years, I have the same problem on a Docker app (Calibre) I just installed which uses a different VNC application ( KasmVNC ) vs the VM's which use NoVNC.

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7 minutes ago, Chunks said:

I saw your reply and was very ready to feel stupid. It was set to Swedish. So I changed it to English (en-gb), started up the VM, and it was still a Swedish UI. So unfortunately, it wasn't so simple.

Also, and what actually caused me to finally post this thread after ignoring this for years, I have the same problem on a Docker app (Calibre) I just installed which uses a different VNC application ( KasmVNC ) vs the VM's which use NoVNC.

Will look over the week end to see if i can see how it knows locale. Is the machine you are running web from set to swedish?

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  • Solution

I just found the problem. Chrome had bad data saved (and I guess has had it for years at this point.)


Just to share, in case it's helpful: After checking the system settings as you suggested and finding no Swedish, I decided to rule out the browser itself. I tried Firefox. It worked fine in English. Then to sanity check, I tried Chrome Incognito - also worked fine in English. I cleared cookies, but it didn't help.


Finally, I started digging into DevTools in Chrome. I found the place where VNC looks up the available languages. It's here: <server>/vnc/dist/main.bundle.js



So I stuck a "Watch" on that variable. Even tho my Chrome installation only showed 1 "Swedish" installed, and it was set to the Lowest Priority, the "Watch" showed a second one, near the top. I guess VNC doesn't have a distinct en-GB language, so it took "sv-SE"?


Anyway, long story short, completely removing Swedish from Chrome settings got rid of it, and now adding it again correctly shows it at the bottom of the list. And VNC works properly now.



Sorry for wasting your time, but thanks for the inspiration to track this down.

Edited by Chunks
wrong image
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  • 8 months later...

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